FYI. Contact Florence directly at if interested.
Dear homeschooling parent,
I would like to let you know that BALM - Year 2 will commence on Sept 15. Class will meet at our home in Loomis.
BALM will meet every other Monday from 1:30-3:30pm. (geared toward upper middle school and high school) $50 per month. There is a sibling discount of 20% for second student.
Please see attached course descriptions for full details. Six students are confirmed. We will close enrollment at 10-12 students; please contact me directly to reserve a place for your student.
Be sure to read Mrs. Efting's bio in the attached document. Her courses have made a tremendous impact on our children and, therefore, on our family. I highly recommend her to you.
Biblical Application to Life Management is simply applying Biblical principles to real life situations. This course will give students the tools they need to "think Biblically" as they build useful skills related to the many practical, "every day" life issues they will face as adults. It will encourage them to develop their critical thinking skills and teach them effective, Scripturally-based strategies for Life Management. Every class session will focus on a different aspect of Biblical Life Management Skills. Socratic and Pauline discussion, practice in Logic and Rhetoric, interactive activities, experiential learning, and written analysis will provide the students with opportunities to absorb, process and use the material presented. As each topic is covered, students will be required to submit written and/or verbal feedback. Additionally, projects will be assigned every class session, for completion before the next class.
Welcome to Biblical Application in Life Management (BALM)
Please file this information in front of your binder for future reference.
Course Title: Biblical Application in Life Management (BALM)School Year: 2013-2014
Instructor: Gail Efting Course Length: Two Semesters
Credit: Successful completion can be used to satisfy requirements for studies in Rhetoric, Biblical Hermeneutics, Micro Economics, Life Management Skills, Philosophy and World View, or elective credit, depending on hours spent on the various aspects of the coursework.
Course Description
Our students have been well trained academically, but there are many additional challenges for which they need to be prepared. We can't tackle these challenges for our children, but like a good coach with an athlete, our goal is to train and prepare them to excel on their own. In order to do their best as unto the Lord in every aspect of their lives, our students will need to know how to apply Scripture to every situation, every day. They will need to be able to think clearly, with discernment, to work through issues logically, to respond effectively and appropriately, and to make sound, Biblical decisions based on accurate observations and conclusions. They will also need to be prepared for typical life management tasks.
Biblical Application to Life Management is simply applying Biblical principles to real life situations. This course will give students the tools they need to "think Biblically" as they build useful skills related to the many practical, "every day" life issues they will face as adults. It will encourage them to develop their critical thinking skills and teach them effective, Scripturally based strategies for Life Management. Every class session will focus on a different aspect of Biblical Life Management
Skills. Socratic and Pauline discussion, practice in Logic and Rhetoric, interactive activities, experiential learning, and written analysis will provide the students with opportunities to absorb, process and use the material presented. As each topic is covered, students will be required to submit written and/or verbal feedback. Additionally, projects will be assigned every class session, for completion before the next class.
Course Content
This course is designed to be a two year study. The second year does NOT repeat course work. Also, second year students will experience more in depth interaction with the material. Some of the areas of study presented during the two years include;
"World View" and how it is affected by our thinking - "thinking Biblically", presumptions and expectations, reality vs. fantasy perceptions, deception vs. truth, bias and perception
Decision making skills – observation and discernment, “T squares”, priorities, God's will and our choices
Strategic planning and goal setting skills – vision casting, purpose and mission, identifying appropriate goals, the “enthusiasm parabola”, successful self management by objectives, effective follow through
Time management - scheduling, organization, margin, “Sabbath rest”, incremental accomplishment, short and long term tasking
People skills – communication styles and patterns, negotiation, communication tracks, “interaction stones”, conflict resolution, accountability, relationships in hierarchical situations
Money management - financial planning, budgets, ownership and debt, giving, Biblical attitudes toward "need"
Critical thinking skills – research and investigation, distractions to discernment, “emotional charge”, critical analysis, logic, rhetoric, “persuasion by exposure”
Applied Biblical Hermeneutics – applying Scripture in “real life”, Biblical research, word and topic studies, use of Biblical study tools, checking against Biblical principles, “doing the Word”
Study skills – tangential thinking, “free writing” and brain storming, note taking from lecture, note taking from reading, constructing knowledge, the Kohl Cycle, Bloom and Armstrong’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, oral presentations, using evaluation and feedback, double check, revision.
Assessment System
I will be available to parents as needed, to assist in evaluating performance against your own priorities, to answer questions, or simply to be a sounding board for discussion. Please talk with me as often as you want. You are welcome to sit in on the class on a regular basis, even all year if you like. I want to do everything I can to assist you in this endeavor. Please keep in mind, however, that the purpose of this class is NOT primarily to “pad a transcript”, but to mold a life.
This is not like any other class your students will ever take. Its purpose is to help them prepare for REAL LIFE, of which class room experiences and academic endeavors are only a very small part! Therefore a parental concern about “how well the student is performing” in the class can be counterproductive to their real growth process. I know suspending this concern can be very difficult. I can guarantee you that they WILL learn a tremendous amount, students always do. And they will be better prepared for college and life than you could imagine because of what they learn in this class. In fact, many students choose to take the class more than the recommended two times, so they can glean even more. There is so much material, no one can get it all the first (or even second) time. But in order to accomplish that tremendous learning process, you MUST permit the student to fully experience the material and coursework COMPLETELY, themselves. The more you do for them (thinking, explanation, retention, etc.), and the more you worry about “how they are doing”, the less they will gain and retain for life. Most of us apply what we gain from our OWN realizations, rather than instruction or inculcation by others.
If you will, think about how we all learned to walk. Imagine what would have happened if someone had tried to do that learning process FOR us, or to explain it to us (assuming we could have
understood them). Or what if someone never let us down on the floor without a protective halter holding us up “in case we might fall”. Or even if we were exhorted to “perform” our walking and then were judged critically on that performance. Now imagine what it would have been like if someone had been GRADING us on our progress and trying to figure out how to help us get better grades! How different would our lives be now! Would we be walking so smoothly and thoughtlessly as so many of us do? I wonder. We walk because we had the DESIRE, the OPPORTUNITY, the ACCURATE FEEDBACK (through failure in a safe environment), and the MODELING for it. We experienced REALIZATIONS about it. We experienced a SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT in the face of frustration (sometimes quite severe) when we had some small success. And remember, we were DESIGNED to do it! We walk because we EXPERIENCED the walking process, done poorly and well, over and over again, and we learned as we went.
understood them). Or what if someone never let us down on the floor without a protective halter holding us up “in case we might fall”. Or even if we were exhorted to “perform” our walking and then were judged critically on that performance. Now imagine what it would have been like if someone had been GRADING us on our progress and trying to figure out how to help us get better grades! How different would our lives be now! Would we be walking so smoothly and thoughtlessly as so many of us do? I wonder. We walk because we had the DESIRE, the OPPORTUNITY, the ACCURATE FEEDBACK (through failure in a safe environment), and the MODELING for it. We experienced REALIZATIONS about it. We experienced a SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT in the face of frustration (sometimes quite severe) when we had some small success. And remember, we were DESIGNED to do it! We walk because we EXPERIENCED the walking process, done poorly and well, over and over again, and we learned as we went.
Parent involvement in students' work for this class is a priority. They need to be able to ask questions, do interviews, and bounce ideas off of you, as their Godly counsel. They need to be able to “think out loud” with you and express their observations and opinions about a LOT of things. They need to be allowed to fail, and learn from their failure. I’m just asking that you let their learning flow where it goes, without external control or evaluation. I strongly request that you permit your students to experience the joys, confusions, frustrations, successes, and even failures, through which they will be stretched and grow in this class. Your encouragement to persevere will make all the difference for them.
My goal for our students in teaching this class is fourfold;
1) to encourage students to build the habit of seeking Godly counsel in decision making.
2) to stimulate students’ transition from seeing parent as leader/authority to parent as wise counselor and mentor.
3) to give the students experiences and realizations which will stimulate the growth of a real, day to day, ability to consistently apply Scripture to life.
4) to give the students reality based attitudes, clear understanding, and concrete skills related to aspects of life they will have to face as they mature into adulthood.
Required Texts
The Holy Bible (accurate translation, no paraphrases) in which you can write
All other necessary coursework materials will be provided. (A $40.00 fee is charged to cover the cost of providing this materialmin an online format.)
Course Requirements
My commitment is to provide opportunities, instruction and encouragement in observation, discernment and critical thinking, communication, both written and verbal, life management skills, and discovery and application of God’s truths in every day situations around us. I will provide material and training which will be beneficial long term and practically useful.
The commitment requested of each student is to be in class ready to start on time, every session, to be ready to submit required work on time, to come prepared to observe, listen, learn, think, participate, and contribute at his/her best “as unto the Lord”. This class requires considerable thought and work. Students will get out of the class what they put into the class, no less, no more.
The commitment requested of each “coach” is to help your student be accountable for the requirements of the class, starting on time, submitting work as instructed, participation, doing their best “as unto the Lord”. Also, many of the projects may require your input or availability for interviews or processes. Please do not do the work FOR your student, or give them the answers to thought questions, but encourage them to persevere (sometimes in the face of frustration) to their goals.
A newsletter will be made available every week. It is designed as a communication device
for you, to help you focus on some of the issues we are discussing in class. Please read it every week. Once you have read the newsletter, please store it in your binder for future use.
for you, to help you focus on some of the issues we are discussing in class. Please read it every week. Once you have read the newsletter, please store it in your binder for future use.
Materials List:
BIBLICAL APPLICATION IN LIFE MANAGEMENT (BALM) NOTE BOOK or electronic equivalent (please bring every week) must include;
- Notebook dividers including sections labeled;
Weekly Commentaries
Analytical Notes & Supporting Documents
New Words and Definitions
Research Materials
Written Analysis / Feedback
You may use the electronic equivalent created online, if you have the capacity to access online resources in class.
If your student is using an electronic device instead of a ‘hard’ notebook, these sections will be set up for you, with all required information and files ready to go for each category.
You will never have your notebook examined by a teacher in this class, but you WILL FREQUENTLY be required to quickly locate specific documentation or information in it, so put it together in such a way that you can find things FAST. The dividers are listed above in alphabetical order, but put them together in any way that works best for YOU. Remember, you are accountable for how USABLE your binder is for YOU.
Assignment Criteria
Assignments are given weekly and often are activity or interview oriented. Topics are covered
in 4 to 8 week blocks, depending on the subject matter being studied, with a final project (which requires several weeks to complete) due at the end of each block. Students are STRONGLY encouraged to seek Godly counsel between sessions, and often have interview assignments. Parents are encouraged to attend class to observe if they desire, so that they are familiar with the processes experienced by their students. Many do so.
in 4 to 8 week blocks, depending on the subject matter being studied, with a final project (which requires several weeks to complete) due at the end of each block. Students are STRONGLY encouraged to seek Godly counsel between sessions, and often have interview assignments. Parents are encouraged to attend class to observe if they desire, so that they are familiar with the processes experienced by their students. Many do so.
Growth in life is based, to a large degree, on perseverance. Because of the nature of student centered teaching, students will get just as much benefit (guidance, feedback, help and growth) as they contribute of their own effort to the learning process. It’s that simple. For example, if you want to change an attitude, gain knowledge or develop a skill, and are willing to participate in the class learning experiences and do your best with the block projects, I will invest as much time and energy as necessary to counsel, encourage and support you in this endeavor.
Your e-mail questions and comments are encouraged, and I will respond respectfully and thoughtfully to any question you ask. Basically, you get the benefit of availability of a skilled Biblical counselor, on ANY topic, throughout the time you are in the BALM class. Additionally, I am available for questions, additional discussion or assistance in Biblical research or with projects, at the Theological Library at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, every Tuesday morning by appointment, from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM.
Class learning is often experiential and interactive, and cannot be easily repeated outside of the group experience, so consistent attendance within each topic block is EXTREMELY important. There is handout material given every week, which students may obtain if they miss a class. Also, because of the “block” nature of the coursework, a topic could be missed in it’s entirety without seriously damaging the learning process during the rest of the year. This does give you the flexibility, BY BLOCK, which is so important to the homeschool experience.
This class uses intensive discussion and experiential learning as principle tenants of the learning process. Your attendance in class will give you the information, critical thinking practice, and
guidance you will need to take full advantage of your work at home. Every class or assignment you miss will make the learning process more cumbersome for you. Without consistent class discussion and interaction, you will find follow through on the coursework VERY difficult. If you have scheduled to miss a class for any reason, please let me know as soon as YOU know. Courtesy mandates communication.
guidance you will need to take full advantage of your work at home. Every class or assignment you miss will make the learning process more cumbersome for you. Without consistent class discussion and interaction, you will find follow through on the coursework VERY difficult. If you have scheduled to miss a class for any reason, please let me know as soon as YOU know. Courtesy mandates communication.
Classroom Expectations
Real learning is exciting, stimulating and tremendously interesting. It has intrinsic rewards of discovery, growth and realization. Every student should feel free to embrace the joy of learning without distraction. In this class, students are encouraged to put in the effort to take every thought captive to obedience in Jesus Christ, ready to give an answer with gentleness and respect, considering one another ahead of themselves. Nothing will be permitted in the classroom which distracts students from the thrilling process of learning. All students should come to class ready to be attentive, courteous, interactive and teachable.
About Your Teacher
My purpose is to live each day as unto the Lord, doing the works He has prepared for me, in the light of God’s Word. My mission is to encourage others to consistently apply God’s Truth to every aspect of everyday life. I have taught a broad selection of topics in a wide variety of settings, and offered help and encouragement to Christian homeschooling families for over 25 years, currently serving as Curriculum Coordinator for The King’s Academy’s ISP. I have taught at elementary, middle and high school levels. I have served as a Bible teacher and Biblical counselor for many years, currently serving as librarian for the Theological Library at PBC, Palo Alto, and host of Bible Dig. Before becoming involved with Christian and homeschooling activities, I taught at college and corporate levels. We also homeschooled our own children through high school. I currently serve on the Board of Green Pastures, a Christian home for children who have disabilities, in Mountain View. I have taught the BALM class, in various forms, for over 15 years. If you have any questions,
comments or suggestions, please feel free to send Gail Efting an e-mail at
comments or suggestions, please feel free to send Gail Efting an e-mail at
For the First Week
Make sure that you have your Biblical Application in Life Management Notebook put together (see above), that everything listed is in it and easy to find, and that you have your Bible, (remember, a good translation, you can write in) ready to go. Bring your Bible with you to EVERY class. Make sure your mind is ready to THINK (well rested, well fed, well exercised, comfortable shoes, etc.) when you come into class.
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