Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Fusion Elite Homeschool Open House, Rocklin 5/11 12-3pm

Hi Everyone, 
I wanted to personally invite you to check out the 1st Annual Fusion Elite Homeschool Open House, this Friday, May 11th between 12 - 3 pm.  We've got some great things happening for our local homeschool families and friends. 
There will some free food, bounce houses, games and sample classes to attend.  If you have the time, we'd love to see you there!  Please pass this along.
Thank you for the support and have a beautiful day!
Fusion Elite

You're Invited

Join us this Friday, May 11th 

Fusion Elite
Invite a friend or two and come and enjoy:
  • Come play in the inflatable obstacle course or go down the giant slide
  • Student Exhibits
  • Enjoy some BBQ and Snacks
  • Shaved Ice Bus
  • Take part in an exciting nerf battle
  • 15 Minute Workshops Martial Arts/ Dance/ Music and Movement
  • Games and Arcade Lounge

Mark your calendar and we'll see you there!!!

Fusion Elite Performance Training Center | 2315 Sunset Blvd. | Rocklin | CA | 95765 | Phone: 9166321995


Saturday, May 5, 2018

SEWFEST for Dress a Girl/Dude

A huge thank you to all of you who have helped with the hygiene kits for girls in Uganda!  It has been utterly amazing to see how God has been working to care for these precious girls who have northing to help them through their monthly time.
Please let me know if you can help at any (or all) of the following:
Saturday, May 19th.  “Sewfest”.  This is a combined effort with “Dress a Girl” and “Dress a Dude”.  There were over 100 women sewing last time!  (14 people for Days for Girls).  If you can’t make it this Thursday for training, you can also be trained at the Sewfest.  10:00 – 2:00.  See directions below.  Please note:  This is held in Suite 140 in the office complexes that are across Cavitt Stallman Road from Bayside in Granite Bay.  Suite 140 is on the driveway closest to Douglas Blvd (it is NOT directly on Douglas, just closest to it.  Suite 140 is across from Early Toast restaurant)  For what to bring see e-mail below.
Saturday, June 2nd  Another “Sewfest” and the last before the summer break.  Same location, time, etc., as May 19th Sewfest.

Please let me know which of these gatherings you will be able to make.
This will be an ongoing ministry as there are hundreds of kits that are needed!  We would love your help, even if you can only help once or twice.  May God richly bless you for considering giving your time and efforts to this worthy cause.  Just think if you had nothing to use during your period each month!  

Rock-N-Water Christian Camp

Sign up for a week long summer camp with a friend and you’ll both save $25 off the already great price of $499/person.

We’ve got individual summer camps designed specifically for those in or entering Middle School or Jr High School in the Fall. As well as camps for those in or entering High School.

Each camp is packed full of high adventure fun, biblical devotionals, terrific fellowship, delicious food, and one day each of Whitewater Rafting, Team Building, Rock Climbing, and two days of exploratory hikes through amazingly beautiful river canyons.

We are looking forward to giving you and your friends a really great time!

Craig Lomax
Executive Director - Rock-N-Water Christian Camps
800.738.0555 | |
PO Box 307 Coloma CA 95613 - Realizing God Through Adventures in His Creation

Shakespeare in the Park Auburn, Rocklin, Roseville, Folsom,The Tempest, May 25th through June 9

TNT Presents our 15th Year of Shakespeare in the Park:

The Tempest, coming May 25th - June 9th, 2018

Take Note Troupe has been bringing free Shakespeare in the Park productions to the community since 2003. We are committed to making The Bard accessible, engaging, and relevant. How does TNT continue to dish up a fresh interpretation of literature that’s been around for over 400 years? TNT has a magic formula you can read about here.

The more you know, the more there is to love about the Bard--and TNT knows their Bard.  Besides competing many times in the Utah Shakespeare Festival’s National High School competition, we’ve also adapted 6 of his plays and written an original play about his relativity to contemporary high school students called Passing the Bard .

We’ve performed for thousands of Shakespeare enthusiasts and garnered some serious awards.  It’s always delightful to hear generous comments from either surprised first time attendees or the loyal fans who have come for years to enjoy the show.


May 25th, 2018 Auburn Placer Performing Arts Center (State Theater) 7:30pm
May 30th, 2018 Auburn Library Garden Theater 6:30pm
May 31st, 2018 Folsom Historic Amphitheater 7:30pm
June 1st, 2018 Folsom Historic Amphitheater 7:30pm
June 2nd, 2018 Vernon Street Town Square, Roseville 7:30pm
June 7th, 2018 Quarry Park Amphitheater, Rocklin 7:30pm
June 8th, 2018 Quarry Park Amphitheater, Rocklin 7:30pm
June 9th, 2018 Quarry Park Amphitheater, Rocklin 7:30pm
June 11th, 2018 Private Show

Sombrero Time - Where Children Learn Spanish!

Summer Adventure