Monday, July 22, 2013

Homeschool Webinar August 29th with Sue Patrick's Workbox System

Are You a Stressed Homeschooler?

Last week I was asked to speak at homeschool group's monthly meeting about two subjects: Reasons to Homeschool, or Not and How to Get Started.

The overwhelming impression I had of those who attended was of how very stressed they all were. Were they capable of homeschooling, would they cover enough material, discipline issues, curriculum issues, husband approval issues...the list was very long and varied, but the emotion seemed to be the same...stressed!

I HATE for homeschoolers to feel stressed. In fact, one of homeschooling's greatest benefit should be relief of stress. Like much of the stress in our lives, homeschooling stress is unwarranted and self-imposed. If there is one thing I can communicate, is do the next thing and do not stress or worry--of course this doesn't mean I never stress either.

While the laws are different in every state, and some state laws do lead to a bit of stress, by and large, there are no worries. Our kids are getting a quality education, and learning well enough without taking their local public school's "AP" classes. All our homeschool classes are AP classes! 

Please give yourself a mental break. Don't impose the guilt and stress of thinking you are not doing enough. You are doing enough. By committing to homeschooling and teaching your kids in a loving and comfortable environment, they will soak up more than you think.

Now you can have fun 

Time for Another Live Webinar

Thursday August 29, 2013 at 6pm Eastern U.S. Time

In the last email I sent out, I offered a recorded webinar to you all. The response was quite overwhelming and I hope I responded to everyone. But with hundreds of emails coming in, I just may have missed someone. I apologize if that was the case.

I have scheduled another Live Webinar which will allow you all to ask questions in real time. I will be explaining the Workbox System, showing curriculum alterations, instructions on how to make interactive Word and Powerpoint documents, and answering any and all questions until every question has been answered. I will be nervously trying a new webinar company and hope all will go well. This webinar company will allow all of you to see the typed questions asked by others rather than my reading them to you as in the past. I think this will make the webinar go smoother.

There is a $5 registration fee to cover the cost of the Webinar as well as a limit of 200 attendees. Please follow the link below to attend. My experience is that it will fill quickly.

Public School or Homeschool? 
Thinking About Homeschooling?

This time of year I seem to have a lot more questions from people pulling their children out of traditional school to homeschool. A lot of people fear there is no way they can teach their children well or that their children will actually listen and do what they say in a homeschool setting.

Let me assure you that you can! I usually have 4 criteria to think about which would hinder your ability to homeschool, and I have also listed some great benefits:

1. You want to be your child's friend and avoid some of the tougher parenting issues.
If this is you, then yes, you might have trouble homeschooling. Some people
don't even realize this is their situation. You will find out very quickly by

2. You want someone else to homeschool your child.
There are a lot of people out there who like the idea of their child not being
in a public or private school, yet they don't actually want to homeschool or
feel they can. So depending on their state laws, they have someone else 
"homeschool" their child or else they hire out all the classes. This inherently
creates problems. Often, there is no one in charge but the child and that
rarely works out.

3. You are very concerned over what other people think.
Strong comments from others can be on both sides of the fence. Homeschoolers
themselves can send biting comments on your style of homeschooling, their own 
opinions of your child's development, or the dreaded comparison of your child
to theirs. Getting into the game of comparing children and families can be very 

The same can happen, especially with family members, from those who
are against homeschooling. I hear story after story of grandparents pulling the 
children aside and "quizzing" them to be sure they are learning "anything."

If we are not confident in what we are doing and the reasons we are doing it,
comments from others can feel defeating.

4. You lack all manner of self discipline.
Very few people in this category, but they do exist. I have seen children thrive in 
this situation because the child was a self-starter and motivated. But largely, 
this won't work. Unschoolers or more traditional homeschoolers will require a
measure of discipline to succeed.

Homeschooling Benefits!

While this list could certainly be quite long and wide, some benefits that quickly come to mind:

* I am thankful I am the one answering their questions all day long with answers that are in line with our family values and world view

* I am thankful for the time spent together in relationship both myself with my children and for my children with each other. I truly do not believe my kids would have as good a relationship if they were in separate schools and classrooms all these years.

* Homeschooling (can be) a far less hectic lifestyle. Though just like the rest of our lives, we can make them too busy. Homeschooling can be the quiet calm of our lives--mine is. The homeschooling part of our day is the easiest. After our homeschool work is done, the day can become crazy--but that is self-imposed.

*Your kids can learn at their own pace and explore their interests. Until my kids were High School age, I never knew how to answer the question of what grade they were in. Each subject was taken at the level they were at, so naturally, there was no perfect "grade" for all subjects. We were just learning every day. No need to be held back from moving ahead and no need to feel left behind when more time is needed on a subject.

*I personally find homeschooling to be very economical. Aside from the fact that most of us must learn to live on one income (and single homeschoolers even less), the cost of homeschooling can be quite low. You can homeschool just fine without expensive curriculum or classes. And the clothing expense is nearly inconsequential compared to going to school.

Based on the benefits I feel our family has received from homeschooling all these years, I would love for you to also homeschool your children. I think you will be glad (though not perhaps the first month!)

Webinar Link:
Thursday, August 29, 6pm
Eastern US Time 

Sue Patrick
Sue Patrick's Workbox System

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