Monday, July 29, 2013

EMH Sports Fall Registration

Hello Parents and Guardians!

Registration will open for EMH Sports 2013-2014 on August 1, beginning with September Soccer! At that time you can begin placing orders. We will need a new signed Athletic Participation (AP) form for each child after August 1. However, you can update your profile and child records now if needed (new school, grade level, medical notes, etc) so that you are ready to register.

We will be adding many new locations and many will be active for the Fall Startup! Please make sure that you sign up on the "wish list" locations if you want a class near you. Just click on the park location and follow the prompts for placing your children on the roster.

Here is a review and updating of our policies for your reference...



· We take checks (mailed to our office), online payments, and school funding by arrangement. Please do not pay at the park - our coaches are there to instruct and not to handle regisgtration.
· Due to park permit increases, gas prices, etc, classes are going to be $24 for the month (that's just a $1 increase to $6 per day). This is the price for ordering a full month of classes. (See also discounts below). If you will miss a week or more of a sport, we do not prorate that price. If you want to order fewer weeks you can, but the cost is $7.50 per day. The walk-up price (not pre-ordered) is $10. 
· All orders must be paid in full the day before the first class. Late fees will apply to any order placed after 6:00 pm the night before class, or any order not paid in full by that time. If your check is late, you can make an online payment and then we will credit your check when it arrives. We are not responsible for late mail, so please send payment early!
· If we do not receive payment or funding for a sport that you order, your child will be dropped from the roster and you will have to reorder at a future date, so please make sure your payment or purchase order covers all months on the order.
· If you prepay and then miss a week or more, you can buy a family makeup pass for $5 per day. This allows your family to attend any other future park or class. We do not refund or credit missed weeks except when we cancel class. You must request makeup passes within 30 days.
· Cancellation fees are $3 per child per week once classes start, so please notify us of cancellations right away! If using school funds, please cancel with both your school and with EMH Sports since we do not always get timely notices.
· Rosters are printed the night before class. If your child does not appear on the roster for any sport, you will have to pay the $10 walk-up price at the park. Your online status page shows your registration status for each month so you can check before coming. Only students with a green flag are clear to play. Please contact the office and clear your account well in advance if you have any concerns.


· Siblings (3 or more siblings in the same sport/location, all paying out of pocket, no school funds) are $24, $20, $16, $12, $12, $12.... 
Other discounts below will only apply to the first child if also using sibling discount. We do not prorate at this price - the whole month must be ordered.

· Order early and get 10% off - order and payment must be received by the 20th of prior month. (If using school funding, you must keep a $24 non-refundable deposit on account for each child in order to get the discount, since schools do not prepay.) Code: EARLYBIRD
· Order in bulk and get 10% off (4 or more months per child, prepaid, no PO or school funds). Code: 4ORMORE
School Funding

· All students must order through our EMH Sports website regardless of payment method. If you order with your school, that covers funding only and does not place your child on our roster.
· If using school funds, all school paperwork must be received in our office by our 6:00 pmdeadline or a deposit will be required. We are not responsible for schools being late with your funds, so please allow plenty of time!
· If you have made a full deposit to cover a month of sports, your child may play while we wait for funding and you can get a 10% discount if you are using EUs. If you do not have a deposit and your school paperwork is not clear, your child will not be able to play, so please check that every child is cleared on your status page (green flag) before coming to the park! Our coaches will not be able to handle registration issues.
· If we have a special arrangement with your school for funding your PE classes, please contact us or your facilitator for instructions.
See Also
For full details please read the following pages:

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