Thursday, August 1, 2013

Weekly PE Class in Carmichael

SHARE ( is putting together a weekly PE class and I'm trying to gauge interest before setting the day and time.

This class will take place once per week for 45 minutes. Classes will be held in Carmichael inside a gymnasium that we are renting.

Classes will begin in September and will run on a monthly basis with four classes held each month.

We don't have a firm age limit, but the classes will be most suitable for students ranging in ages from 7 to 14. If we have a number of younger kids who are interested, we may open up a class specifically for a younger group, so if you have younger kids who are interested, please let me know.

Each 45-minute class will begin with a series of stretches and then move on to calisthenics. After that, the class will move on to various drills and obstacle course activities. The last 15 minutes of each class will be reserved for a game or group activity (kickball, tag, fun relays, etc.) All activities will be physical, active, and fun. :)

The focus of these sessions will be for each child to improve on his or her own performance rather than competing against each other.

Classes will be led by my son, Michael, who is 12. Michael has been leading children's karate classes for almost two years. He is a junior instructor at his dojo, where he has studied for the last six years. Michael is very comfortable leading other kids through exercises and activities and he is able to remain "in charge" while still having fun. He takes teaching very seriously and he loves doing it.

The exercises and activities will be taken primarily from two purchased curricula. We have designed dozens of lesson plans, so each class will be a bit different, but will follow the same basic format.

The cost for each class will be $7 for each student, with a discount given to families with multiple children. Class fees will be paid monthly.

We are not trying to profit from these classes. The fees will cover the gymnasium rental and hopefully offset some of the costs for the curricula and the equipment we will be purchasing.

Classes will be limited to a small group of 10-12 students. We hope to offer two classes per week, depending on how much interest there is.

If your kids are interested in joining these classes, please email me as soon as possible.

Please forward this to any other homeschool groups!


Sacramento Homeschool Activities, Resources, and Events

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