Saturday, August 17, 2013

Spell to Write and Read 2-Day Training Seminar

(Forwarded from Heily Young's Network Email...)

Spell to Write and Read 2-Day Training Seminar

SWR has been a life saver for our family these last three years.  Our boys are flourishing with this program and I am learning alongside them.  I have been a horrific speller for most of my life (even as an honors student I received 33% in spelling on the state achievement tests!).  After using SWR for three months I told my own mother "I think at 36 years old, I might actually learn how to spell.  The English language and spelling rules make so much sense now.  I wish I would have had this program when I was a kid."
If you are new to SWR or have never heard of it, see more information below or at the SWR website. 
If you currently use and/or are considering using the SWR program, we would love to have you join us for a local 2-day seminar.  
When: Tuesday & Wednesday, September 17 & 18
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Where: TBD (Roseville/Rocklin Area)
Please see the attached information sheet for more specific details. 
In order to gauge the interest level in our community, please respond as soon as possible. Whether you are just curious or seriously committed to the training please email me, by August 22nd.  In the subject line please put “SWR Training” and in the body of the email let me know your name, email address, phone number and if you qualify as a “special guest” (see attached info sheet).  If you could also tell me if you are a 1,2 or 3 on the interest level scale, I would greatly appreciate it.
1.        I’m 100% committed, I have someone who can take care of my children, I have the days available and I’ve been dying for a local training, where can I sign up!
2.       I’m very interested but still need to fine tune details of participation.
3.       I’m curious, please send me more information when registration goes live.
If we have enough interest in the community to move forward our registration link will go live!  As soon as that happens I will send you you the link as well as registration reminders so that you don't miss out on early bird registration rates.
Tell me more about SWR...
Spell to Write and Read is a complete phonics program designed for beginning readers through twelfth grade spelling. Rather than memorizing words, as in traditional spelling programs, students are taught how to analyze the reasons behind a word's spelling and pronunciation, giving them a strategy to learn any word they encounter. Reading is a natural outgrowth of spelling instruction.

SWR is valuable for students of all ages and abilities. It provides a complete and solid language arts foundation for beginning readers.  Gifted students readily apply the rules to more advanced words. SWR is a lifesaver to students who have failed or struggled to learn with inconsistent and incomplete phonics rules; they are greatly relieved to discover the logical patterns to English. In addition, SWR is highly successful for students with visual difficulties or dyslexia. This program has been shown to raise reading scores in all types of learners.

While many learn to teach SWR by merely reading the teacher's manual, multitudes of educators have attended the live seminars where they learn the method by being the student, working with an Endorsed Trainer, and building their own Master Teacher's Log in the class.  For those who want hands-on, live training, this is the best way to learn this fantastic program.

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