Monday, September 23, 2013

Homeschool Golf Classes

Franklyn Richards has been teaching golf for forty years and conducting classes specifically for home-school kids for thirteen years. This link will take you to his web-site for more details.

Home school kids golf classes

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Foundations Creation Club

Want answers to your questions about originsdinosaursthe age of the earth, and the Bible? Want to give answers to your friends? You are invited to two special events which will do just that!

Your Origins Matter Seminar - Sunday, September 21st at 6:00pm - Brian Thomas of the Institute for Creation Research will be presenting on "Dinosaurs and the Bible" at Gold Country Baptist Church in Shingle Springs (3800 North Shingle Road, Shingle Springs, CA 95682) 

Foundations Creation Club event - Friday, September 27th at 6:45pm - Caleb LePore of Foundations Creation Club will be presenting on "The Question of Ages: The Age of the Earth" at Church of the Foothills in Cameron Park (2380 Merrychase Drive, Cameron Park, CA 25682) 

For more information, visit our Facebook page, ( Creation Club) or email us See you there! 

Foundations Creation Club 
Foundations Creation Club is a Christian organization dedicated to equipping believers with answers to their questions (regarding topics like dinosaurs, the age of the earth, fossils, science, evolution, and the Bible), and training young people to defend their faith in an age which is hostile to the truth of God's Word.   

Swing Dance Lessons

(No dance partner required!)
Rhythm Busters With Matt Richey  Swing Dance
Fun-filled night of dancing!
Ages 13 - 93

Lesson: 7-8:00 pm
Dance: 8-11:00 pm 

at Veritas Building
435 Sutton Way, 
Grass Valley
next to Sutton Cinema

Lesson & Dance - $10
Dance only - $7

Online Writing Classes

Online Writing Enrichment Classes for Homeschoolers

Class lessons are posted online weekly with assignments due the following week which allows students to work around their own busy schedules! And because learning isn't a one dimensional process, Online Scribblers classes offer a variety of learning activities to captivate different learning styles. Students will journal, complete both written and reading lessons, and complete a longer writing assignment due weekly. In addition, learning check points are provided to let students know when they are on the right track.

Each week, the instructor personally comments, critiques, and works with students to develop individual writing goals and processes based on the work submitted. Success will be based on individual improvement rather than competing with other student work. 

Class sizes are limited so that there can be adequate one on one communication between student and instructor.

Each course runs 8 weeks and costs just $129.

Online Fall Classes are registering now!
Session Begins October 23rd

Techniques of Creative Writing: Grades 4-8
Writing the 5 Paragraph Paper: Grades 6-8
High School Academic Papers: Grades 9-12

For more information or to register visit and click on Online Classes

Friday, September 20, 2013

Letter from Kendra...

 To: BHN
Greetings to everyone!  As you begin another year on our homeschooling journey, I hope and pray that this year is a fantastic year for you, full of blessings, good memories, and incredible learning experiences! 

We are so thankful for the year that we had last year to be a part of your homeschool support group!  Thank you for welcoming us into your hearts and lives. To those of you new to BHN, I would like to share what a blessing it was for us.  We moved to Granite Bay from out of state, knowing nobody with the exception of some old friends from college who lived in Petaluma.  In our search for a church, I had run across the contact information regarding BHN. We visited many churches and I honestly forgot about it for awhile. We also visited a couple of other homeschool groups, not really making a connection with either of them. I finally contacted Lori and visited a park day late last summer. Everyone was so welcoming! We starting investing ourselves into the group, getting to know families and making friends. My boys and I looked forward to park day every week, as it was a highlight for us.  But the holiday parties, presentation days, hikes with various families, moms nights, meetings to encourage and inform, ideas and resources shared, and so much more made for a truly enriched homeschooling experience!

I encourage you to be thankful for what you have in the BHN network. For many of you, it is all you have ever known. Please don't take it for granted. For others, it is a newly found blessing. Enjoy it!  Invest yourself into it and make the effort, as difficult as it can be, to get to know the other families.  I know it can feel overwhelming to be new in a group that seems to have known each other for years.  But you will not regret it! Having now lived in three different states in the past three years, and homeschooling in all of them, BHN is a truly unique group. We have yet to find or experience anything else quite like it. The supportive community made all the difference to us!  
We miss you all and hope to see you again. May God bless you during the coming year!
In His Love,

September 2013 BHN Encouragement Night Agenda

Bayside Homeschool Network - September 2013

 "SHINE...may you SHINE like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life..."  Phil. 2:15-16
Tonight's Agenda
Open in Prayer – Colleen Trovato
Resource Vendor: Classical Communications – Tracy Thomas
·      Heily Young – Mentor Mom / Feed My Starving Children
Meet the Moms of BHN
Overview of BHN Year and Leadership
Kendra’s Letter
Close with Prayer Requests

Calendar Items – Sept./Oct.
  September 16th – Moms Encouragement Night – TONIGHT
September 18 – FIELD TRIP: Hope Depot Garden Tour, Roseville – RSVP via Evite or contact   Pres James,
  September 19 – Park Day, Olympus Park noonish to 4ish
  September 25 - Presentation Day, 1:30-2:30, -
RSVP via Evite or contact Colleen Trovato,
  October 2 – FIELD TRIP: Honey Harvest, Loomis  TIME? -
RSVP via Evite, or contact Toni Vassallo,
October 5 - Lisa Chan at Bayside.  Register online $5
October 21 - Moms Encouragement Night, Bayside

Business Items
BHN Membership Forms - If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete the
membership form.  You will be added to the Bayside Yahoo Group account. and be able to participate in BHN activities.  We also have a private Facebook group you can join.
Our blog is

  Book Cart - When checking items out, please return them at the next monthly meeting.

Good night, friends. SHINE ON!

September 2013 BHN Devotional

(Reflections from Mt. Hermon, August 12, 2013 Pastor Ray Johnston)

From: Leigh Arevalo
Pastor Ray gave a talk on “Game Changers”.  He started with this story:  A woman looked out her window and saw her neighbor place clothes on a clothesline.  The woman muttered to herself, “why those clothes are still dirty; someone should teach that woman how to properly wash her clothes.”  The next time she hung her clothes to dry, the woman witnessed the same thing, and muttered the same thing.  This happened over and over.  One day, she saw her neighbor hang her clothes, and they were clean!  She exclaimed to her husband, “Honey, look!  It looks like someone finally showed her how to properly clean her clothes!”  Her husband replied, “actually, today, I decided to wash the windows…”

He then went on and shared from 1 Samuel 17, the story of David and Goliath.  He had a piece of paper that contained a negative viewpoint on one side, and a positive on the other.

Most of us are aware of this incredible story.  The Philistines had gathered their army against the Israelites.  They were a strong force and well skilled in the art of war, especially with metal weapons since they were the first to create them.  Everyone is terrified of them.

Of the most terrifying to behold, Goliath is a soldier standing at 9 feet tall.  He is fully armored and a master at weaponry.  No one wants to fight him, and the Israelites stay put for forty days, hiding in their tents, listening to the taunts, jeers, and goading from the Philistines, but not taking action.

The Israelites were living in fear.  The Israelites mainly placed their focus on their problems, (the Philistines and Goliath.)  Because their focus was on their problems, they expected to be defeated.  Because they expected to be defeated, they developed an attitude of self-protection.  Because they developed an attitude of self-protection, their response was to run away and hide.  This is a common response in today’s culture.  We run from anything that makes us uncomfortable.

Along comes David.  The youngest of eight brothers; he’s between 10 to 17 years old.  No previous battle experience, aside from killing a few wild animals while guarding his sheep.  No weapons, except for a sling and five stones.

David carries a different perspective from his family, king, and people.  David placed his focus on God.  While others saw the giant known as Goliath, David saw the other greater giant known as GOD.  David did not focus on his problems, or the negative thinking of his family or authorities.  He focused on God’s past faithfulness and future rewards.

Because David focused on God, he anticipated God’s help.  Because he anticipated God’s help, he insisted on being involved; running to help, instead of running away.  Because he insisted on being involved, he took time to prepare.  He tried on Saul’s armor, but it did not fit.  So, he went back to what he knew best, his shepherd’s bag, his sling, and five smooth stones.  Because David held this perspective, he had an impact on everyone around him.

Pastor Ray encouraged us to consider which side of the page do we want to live on?  Which perspective do we want to focus on?  Which window do we want to look out of?

As we plan and implement our homeschool days and life, which lens are we looking through?  Do we make our decisions based on fear or faith?

Consider which resonates most with you…

The lens of FEAR: As I homeschool, I mainly focus on my problems (trying to maintain a schedule that pleases others agendas or even my own, trying to teach upper level math, trying to get through a day without criticizing my children, impatience, over-commitment, trying to manage it all, etc.)  Because I focus on my problems, I expect defeat, (there’s no way I can to this all…I’m just not cut out for this…I don’t want to mess up my kids …I think someone else can do a better job than me…)  Because I expect defeat, I develop an attitude of self-protection, (I don’t need this stress…I know that I’d be happier if the kids went to school).  Because I develop an attitude of self protection, I run away.

The lens of FAITH: As I homeschool, I place my focus on God, who is greater than any challenge I might have with my curriculum, with my kid’s or my own attitudes, with my schedule, etc.  Because my focus is on God, I anticipate God’s help (I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me).  Because I anticipate God’s help, I insist on being involved by having a heart, mind, and will that is open to God’s guidance and direction, and intentionally engaging God and my children.  Because I insist on being involved, I take time to prepare (through prayer, quiet time, Bible study, getting involved with homeschool related support and encouragement avenues…). I take the time to have God help me discern what will help me or hinder me.  Because I took the time to prepare, I slew my Goliath (whatever that may be), and positively impacted everyone around me.

Now, before I go any further, I want to make sure you are clear on one thing.  I have good friends who have homeschooled and then have enrolled their kids in school.  I believe that each family needs to discern what is best for their family, and that might mean an option other than homeschool.  What I am saying here, is to be cognizant of which lens you are basing that decision, the lens of fear or the lens of faith.

Also, there is a danger in comparing our homeschool to other families, just as it’s dangerous to compare our children, spouses, and ourselves to others.  Ray said something that has affected me profoundly in how I homeschool and serve in leadership.  He said, “God can use you without somebody else’s armor on.”  While David tried on other’s armor, he went back to what he knew best, to his strengths, and God used him in a mighty way.  Expect Him to do the same with you.

Ray also shared,  “Fear is the darkroom where negatives develop.”   Be aware of how much time we spend in the darkroom….

Lastly, I encourage you to consider the five stones David armed himself with.  What are your five stones you will arm yourself with as we go into this school year?  What are your five pieces of scripture you can call upon when Goliath comes stomping into your campground, strutting around and taunting you? 

1. Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God , which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.
2. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight….
3. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go….
4. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
5. Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Creation Club Speakers in Roseville Area

Theses events are presented to you at no cost to you unless you want to make a donation.

At Grace Bible Church in Roseville:

First we have Dr. Jake Hebert and Brian Thomas of Institute for Creation Researchcoming to Grace Bible Church1390 Baseline RoadRoseville to share with us God’s truths in Scripture and the science of Its Truth.  Dr. Jake Hebert will be presenting “The Mysteries of the Ice Age” at 9:15 a.m. and Brian Thomas will be presenting “Why Genesis Matters” at 10:30 a.m.
(See flyers)

Second we have Pastor Rod Santiago presenting “The Authority of Scripture” on Monday, September 23, at 7:00 p.m., assuring us why we can firmly believe the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and the ramifications if we don’t. (See flyers)

At Sierra Baptist Church in Newcastle:

Special   50th year celebration at Sierra Baptist Newcastle. On Sept. 22, FOSSIL EXPERTREV. AL FRANKLIN will bring "the Theology of Geology" and "The Geology of Theology". He also will display some of his amazing fossils. Pastor Franklin is well known as an expert on fossils and some of his collection is even on display in his church inRedding for all to see!

He will speak at 9:30, 10:45 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ONE DAY EVENT,  ALL WELCOME!!

At Gold Country Baptist Church:

Want answers to your questions regarding origins? Come and get equipped at a specialYour Origins Matter seminar featuring Mr. Brian Thomas, science writer for theInstitute for Creation Research, at Gold Country Baptist Church in Shingle Springs! Mr. Thomas will be speaking on "Dinosaurs and the Bible", a fascinating topic for the whole family! 

When: Sunday, September 22nd at 6:00pm.
Where: Gold Country Baptist Church, 3800 North Shingle Road, Shingle Springs, CA 95682. 
Cost: None! 

For more information, visit, or call (530) 677-4122

If you have any questions regarding the above events, please contact us.

Be sure to check out our Creation Club website at:

In Christ,
Chuck and Sandy Yarbrough

Free College Courses from Ivy League Schools

Freee online ivy league school courses: has many from many genres. Some courses may be used by other Universities, many offer certificate of completion when done! For you homeschoolers with older kiddos, this might be a definite benefit for you!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Classes at Crocker Art Museum

For ages 5 - 8 (designed especially for homeschoolers)

Six Wednesdays, September 11 - October 6
10:30 AM - 12 PM
$80 Members
$100 Nonmembers

Spark a love for art and language and build good reading habits. Each session begins with the instructor reading aloud a quality illustrated children's book, rich with age-appropriate vocabulary. After talking about the book, children visit an artwork that builds on the book's themes, bringing the story to life while also helping children develop meaningful connections to art. A hands-on project related to the story and artwork ties it all together.
For ages 9 - 12 (designed especially for homeschoolers)
Six Thursdays, September 19 - October 24
10:30 AM - 12 PM

$80 Members
$100 Nonmembers
If you're a budding writer, or wish you were, this is the class for you! Find inspiration in the art you'll see and use the art of writing to express yourself. Learn how to look closely at a work of art, listen carefully to other writers, give and receive constructive feedback, and develop your writer's voice. You will receive a weekly at-home assignment and be invited to share your work with the group. For the first class, bring a short piece of original writing. It may be a poem, story, comic strip, essay, or personal account about writing. This is a great opportunity to prepare a story to submit to Story Pirates, visiting the Robert and Magrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts. Click here for more information.
For ages 4 and up with adult participation

Sunday, October 20
1 - 3 PM

$5 Children ages 4 - 17 
$7 Adult members 
$10 Adult nonmembers
Join us in October as we celebrate the season and kick off a new season of Sunday Crafternoon. This monthly gathering will inspire your family's creativity and help you enjoy quality time together. Make simple crafts using a variety of beautiful materials, while enjoying toasty warm drinks. Ages 3 and under welcome to tag along at no extra charge. 

For more information about all our programs and exhibitions, visit

Kids Care Club - Fridays - Free - Age 10-17 - Roseville/Citrus Heights

SHARE (Sacramento Homeschoole Activities, Resources, and Events) is sponsoring a Kids Care Club and we would love to have you join us. Kids Care is a national organization and we will be forming a local club under their national umbrella.
Kids Care Clubs are designed to give kids the opportunity to come together to perform acts of service, either locally or on a broader scale. The Kids Care organization provides many ideas for projects and activities. The kids in our club can decide to participate in those projects or they can decide to work on projects or causes that are important to them.
The kids who join this club will determine the direction that it takes. They will be working together to decide what types of causes and organizations they will support and they will brainstorm ideas for fundraisers or other ways in which they can be of service.

A couple of the parents will serve as advisors to this club, but the majority of the decision making will be done by the kids. They will be sharing ideas, voting on how to proceed, and working to implement the plans they make.
This club will be open for kids ranging from age 10 to 17.

This club will hold weekly meetings, but they may also meet at other times in order to hold fundraisers and perform acts of community service.
The weekly meetings will be held on Fridays, either in the Citrus Heights or Roseville area. If you are interested in participating in this club, please email me directly with the names and ages of your children, your available meeting times, and your preferred meeting location (Citrus Heights/Roseville).
Thank you,


Photography Club - Free - Fridays - All ages - Greater Sacramento/Roseville

We will be forming a photography club that will meet once per week. The first session will meet for 10-12 weeks starting in October.
This will be not be a photography class. I am not a professional photographer, so this will be something we do purely for fun. We will be learning about some elements of photography such as light, perspective, color, etc., but I am not an expert and I will be acting as a guide rather than a teacher.
This club will meet once per week. At the end of the session, we will get together to display some of the kids' favorite photos and we will invite friends and family to come to their "show." We will determine the date and location for this event after we have started our session.
At each weekly meeting, the kids will share their photos from the previous week's project. They will have a project to work on at home and a project to work on at the location where we meet each week.
In order to participate in this club, each child will need a digital camera of any variety.
Also, you must commit to bringing 8 x 10 prints of several photos each week. This club will really be the most enjoyable for everyone if everyone brings their photos to share each week. The kids will learn a lot from seeing what everyone else is doing.
There is no cost to join this club, but you will have the expense of printing photos each week. For the final "show" event, each child will be responsible for setting up a photo display using materials of his or her choice.
This club will meet on Fridays in various locations around Roseville and Sacramento.
If you are interested in joining, please email me at and let me know the name and age of your child.

Thank you!