Sunday, August 28, 2016

Welcome Back to Sombrero Time Spanish Classes Fall 2016

August, 2016

Welcome Back!

Sombrero Time Spanish classes start Tuesday, September 6. The team here at SombreroTime is excited to see you and your st
udents soon! We hope everyone had a great Summer. Students had a blast at Summer Camp and we saw some familiar faces. See if you can spot a few...

¡Hasta pronto!

Student Corner: Summer Camp 

The students in our summer program varied from completely new students to advanced speakers. During our cinema-themed week, students wrote and acted in their own film!

Click HERE or on the image below to watch one of the original student movies! 
Summer Camp Production: "Pastelandia"

Community Events

The trainers at Anytime Fitness are offering a fun opportunity for Sombrero Time students Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Expert trainers will be leading a kids workout group from 4:30-5:15 (they have a group for parents, too!). 

Contact Jenn at (916) 710-2266 if you're interested!

We Want to Hear From YOU!

What do you like or dislike about our Newsletter? We want to know! Please take two minutes to tell us if our content is relevant, valuable or not by taking the three-question survey HERE.

Have feedback or a thought to share? Great! Send us an email. Click HERE.


Team Sombrero Time

Our mailing address is:

9719 Village Center Dr #125, Granite Bay, CA 95746

Sac, cooking classes, Oct 21, Pasta 4pm, ages 10 to 16,$45

example of an upcoming class:

Kids & Teens in the Kitchen: Homemade Pasta Party

October 21, 2016 4:00 PM

Learn to make fresh pasta the old-fashioned way!

Learn to make fresh pasta the old-fashioned way! 
Fresh Handmade Bowtie Pasta
Creamy Alfredo Sauce
Sautéed Veggies
Devine Gelato will be served for dessert

Ages 10-16

Instructor: Lucia Oliverio

This is a hands on class

LAST CHANCE! (Christian worldview) Book Discussion/10-14yrs/Auburn/$150

There are still a few spaces left in my upcoming class! - Michelle Potter

I want to invite you to join me this fall at Inspire Learning Academy on Dairy Rd. in Auburn. 
Beginning September 8th, I am leading a Book Discussion class for 10 - 14 year olds (+-), on Thursdays 2:30-3:30 pm.  

As we analyze character traits and moral values, students will facilitate classroom discussions within their rotating roles such as Illustrator, Minor Character, Setting, Internal Conflict, Point of View, Summarizer, Investigator, and Character Critic. 

Homework will include light chapter reading, and answering written comprehension and thought-provoking questions, some character and vocabulary words, and using forms as preparation to speak as part of their chosen rotating role.

A short quiz will be given upon the completion of our reading, and the class will choose one of the book's characters to put on trial during our last session. This is NOT a trial focusing on proper courtroom procedure, but is based on the book's content, the characters, and moral values. It may be necessary for students to do a little research to understand their role of Prosecutor, Defending Attorney, or Judge. Some costumes will be provided, but some attire may be found at home to wear to the trial.

You can see the class details, and learn more about Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince, by Lamplighter Publishing at
Christian Book Distributors (CBD) has it on sale for the lowest that I've ever seen it.  Siblings can share a book. We may use the audio version in the classroom, but students need a hard print copy.

From the publisher's website: Young Prince Hubert is incorrigible, unmanageable, and tiresomely demanding. What is the good King to do? How will his selfish Prince ever learn to rule the kingdom well? His most trusted friend, Sir Malcolm, has a plan. Prince Hubert is swept away to a land where he is simply known as Hugh, a peasant boy. His silks are replaced with rough work clothes, his castle dwelling with a humble cottage. It is here that Hugh learns valuable life lessons from the widow of the forest.  

A minimum reading level is not a prerequisite, since this book is an excellent family read-aloud for all ages. The publisher recommends it for ages 6-11, but due to vocabulary from the Middle Ages for which the students will be responsible, and the level of homework and discussions, this class is appropriate for older students.

You can use this link to register:
Don't forget to hit the submit button at the bottom of page 7 to complete your form. You will then be directed to the payment page. If you are having trouble submitting your form or completing your payment, please contact Payment plans are available if necessary. 

John Sutter & James Marshall / Calif Gold Rush / Auburn Library Noon Program / September 16th

“A Tale of Two Icons” will be the title of the first NOON Program of the fall on September 16, 2016.  Sierra College historian Gary Noy will present the sad history of John Sutter and James Marshall, two men who had the most to gain from the California Gold Rush but both died in poverty while yearning to regain their former glory. Gary Noy is the author of Sierra Stories: Tales of Dreamers, Schemers and Rogues

Homeschool Days at Crocker Museum

Using a central theme and select works of art throughout the Museum, trained docents facilitate small-group discussions and hands-on activities.
  • Homeschool Days are appropriate for children, ages four and older.

  • $3 per student in advance (by 5 PM the day prior to the program) or $5 per student at the door. Fees include Museum admission.

  • One chaperone for every five students is required. Admission is free for chaperones.

  • Register by clicking here, by visiting the Museum Admission Desk, or by calling 916.808.1182.

Kingdom Builder Books Fall Classes 2016

Hi Families!

I hope everyone had a great summer! It’s that time of year again and we are looking forward to the start of our Fall 2016 classes on Tuesday, September 6th.   

A couple of reminders:

Parking – Please if at all possible park in front of the store, if there isn’t room, please consider spots not in front of the other stores. (There have been verbal altercations with the bail bonds owner, please under no circumstances park in front of him)  We want to be good neighbors.  If you are dropping off JR/SR High students, the side of the building is a great place to do that without blocking parking spaces.

Students Waiting – Students will be asked to remain inside of the building until their ride arrives.  We don’t want students loitering in the parking lot for safety reasons.

Dress code – Please no tank tops, short shorts, or short dresses/skirts.

Books for Classes – Book requirements for the classes are listed on the Kingdom Builder Website under CLASSES.

Class Dates to Remember  There is no class the week of November 21st  for Thanksgiving and no classes between December 19th and January 6st for Christmas/New Years.  The last week of classes for the Fall semester is January 16th.

Release Form – We do have a release form that needs to be filled out for each family.  They are available at the front desk or on our website

We would also like to remind you that any remaining payments on the classes are due the first day of class.  If you have any questions please feel free to call us at (916) 784-1717, or e-mail us at

Jeff – Kingdom Builder Books
Fall 2016

Give us a call: (916) 784-1717
Our mailing address is:

1021 #701 Junction Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95678

Hands in Motion Fall Classes 2016

Fall Classes Begin September 12th

Hands in Motion is proud to be offering academic and enrichment classes.
We still have a few spots available.  We are an approved vendor for Visions, Horizon, South Sutter, Sutter Peak, Heritage Peak, Inspire, CORE Placer, and Summit Charters.
All Charter and Independent Students Welcome


Complete Class Descriptions
Space available unless otherwise indicated.  Availability subject to change.
Classes are held at Valley Christian Academy, 301 W. Whyte Ave., Roseville

Boys High School Fall Baseball, Ages 14 and up, September - October

NBO Baseball Club is a good opportunity for high school baseball players looking to play this fall. 

The program is not specific to homeschooling families; all are welcome.
Event: Baseball games
date: September through October
time: Mostly Saturdays with a few Sundays and weekdays, schedule has not yet been posted
place: Westwood Park, 8100 Butternut Drive, Citrus Heights, CA 95621 and various fields in Sacramento county and surrounding counties
age group: 14 and up
cost: $75
contact info: Coach Todd Conroy, e-mail:
Facebook Page:
Thanks so much, Tari Smith

Homeschool Music Classes Fall 2016

FALL 2016

GUITAR CLASS                                 $149/semester                                                                                           
Group lessons are a great way for students to test the musical waters. This fun and easy rhythm guitar course will introduce students to basic skills needed to play all popular styles of music. Students can easily progress into private lessons after.

·         No experience is necessary! This class is intended for beginners, not for students who have already had private lessons.
·         Students must bring their own functioning instrument to class each week.
·         Curriculum and learning materials are included.
·         Group performance will be at CB Music's concert.

DAY/TIME:                                        AGES:
Wednesdays @ 10am/11am         9-12/13 and up

CLASS DATES:                                   PERFORMANCE:
Sept 14 - Dec 7                                December 5 or 6

GROUP UKULELE                            $149/semester                               
The ukulele has been around for hundreds of years but has recently become one of the most popular instruments in the world! There are uke clubs and even uke orchestras. We will learn the basics of the instrument and chords to your favorite won't want to put it down!

·         No experience is necessary! This class is intended for beginners, not for students who have already had private lessons.
·         Students must bring their own functioning instrument to class each week.
·         Curriculum and learning materials are included.
·         Group performance will be at CB Music's concert.

DAY/TIME:                                          AGES:
Thursdays @ 10:30am/11:30am    8-11/12 and up

CLASS DATES:                                    PERFORMANCE:
Sept 15 - Dec 8                                 December 5 or 6

SING OUT! YOUTH CHOIR             $139/semester                                                                                            
CB Music is excited to be starting a NEW choir. This is a place where students can safely find their voice. We will have fun learning together...learning healthy voice techniques, learning theory through fun games and challenges, and exploring music that is engaging.

·         No experience is necessary!
·         Group performance will be at CB Music's concert.

DAY/TIME:                                    AGES:
Tuesdays @ 11am                       10 and up

CLASS DATES:                              PERFORMANCE:
Sept 13 - Dec 6                           December 5 or 6

MUSIC GAMES                                $129/semester                                                                                           
This is a lively class that gets students involved in learning about the elements of music. Students are physically and mentally engaged through body movement with fun games and challenges. They won’t even know they’re learning the universal language!

·         No experience is necessary!
·         Group performance will be at CB Music's concert.

DAY/TIME:                                  AGES:
Tuesdays @ 10am                     7-12

CLASS DATES:                             PERFORMANCE
Sept 13 - Dec 6                           December 5 or 6

Deadline is Sept 9th
Vouchers and POs welcome

Minimum enrollment must be met for classes--so invite friends to come to class with you!

Auburn,Symphony in the Park,Sept 10, 6pm, free

"The Annual "Symphony in the Park" in Auburn is coming soon. September 10 - Saturday 6:00 - The Placer County Youth Orchestra will be performing and then at 7:00 The Auburn Symphony. This is a free concert to the public and it is great fun. Bring your lawn chairs and a picnic basket and have a lovely time listening to lovely music. Make it a fun date for two, or take the whole family to learn about symphonic orchestras with music you will all recognize. 55 College Dr. It is the amphitheater near the High School, just behind City Hall."

Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Brighter Child Classes

 Class Registration Closes Thursday, August 25th!!!
Reminder: If you are interested in enrolling in a class that is on "Wait List" status, please join the wait list; oftentimes instructors will add additional classes based on interest

58 FANTASTIC FALL CLASSES FOR GRADES K-12!                             

Classes Begin Monday 8/29/16
Class Sessions Vary - See individual class descriptions for session lengths

Click on Class Titles in Blue for Full Course Descriptions

10:30-12:00         Lego Jedi Engineering (Contact to register)
10:00-11:00         3 Spots Left Sci-Fi Writing Grades 9-12 (10 Weeks) $195
11:00-12:00        1 Spot Left  Li'l Hands Science Labs K-2 (Sess 1)  (6 Weeks) $105
11:00-12:00         Li'l Hands Science Labs K-2 (Session 2) (6 Weeks) $105
12:00-1:00          1 Spot Left Middle School Sci Labs A (Sess1) Gr 6-8 (7 Wks) $205
12:00-1:00           3 Spots Left Mid School Sci Labs A (Sess 2) Gr 6-8 (7 Wks) $205
12:30-1:30           Spy Makers Gr. K-2 (7 Weeks) (Session 1)  $105
12:30-1:30           Spy Makers Grades 2-4 (7 Weeks) (Session 2)  $105
1:00-2:00             Middle School Science Labs B (Session 1) Gr 6-8 (7 Wks) $195 
1:00-2:00             Middle School Science Labs B (Session 2) Gr. 6-8 (7 Wks) $195
2:00-3:30             Anatomy-Physiology Wet Labs Gr 10-12 (14 Wks) $485
3:00-4:00             2016 Presidential Election Process Gr. 7-12 (4 Weeks) $50
4:00-5:00             United States Constitution Gr. 7-12 (14 Weeks) $185
5:00-6:00             Introduction to Criminal Law Ages 14+ (14 Weeks) $185

Click on Class Titles in Blue for Full Course Descriptions
10:00-10:45         Beginner Music Mind Games Gr. K-5 (15 Weeks) $155
10:00-10:45         Full  Beginning Keyboard (Piano) Gr. 2-6  (14 Weeks) $210
10:45-11:30         Keyboard 2 (Piano) Grades 2-6 (14 Weeks) $210
11:30-12:15         Beginning Keyboard (Piano) Grades 7-12 (14 Weeks) $210
12:00-1:00           Full Jr. Boom Sci Labs (Session 1) Gr. 2-5  (7 Weeks) $185
12:00-1:00           Jr. Boom Science Labs (Session 2) Gr 2-5 (7 Weeks) $185
1:00-2:15             Full Hands-On Science & Nature (Sess 1) Gr. K-3 (8 Wks) $125
1:00-2:15             2 Spots Left Hands-On Sci & Nature (Sess 2) Gr. K-3 (8 Wks) $125
2:30-3:45             Hands-On Science & Nature (Session 1) Gr. 4-6 (8 Weeks) $125
2:30-3:45             Hands-On Science & Nature (Session 2) Gr. 4-6 (8 Weeks) $125
2:30-3:30             High School Earth Science Wet Labs Gr 9-12 (15 Weeks) $385
3:30-4:30             High School Biology Wet Labs Gr. 9-12 (15 Weeks) $435
4:30-5:30             High School Chemistry Wet Labs Gr. 9-12 (15 Weeks) $425

10:00-11:00         Treasure Island Literature Study Grades 5-8 (11 Weeks$120
11:00-12:00         Little House in the Big Woods Lit Study Gr. 3-5 (7 Weeks) $80
Apologia Science Courses
Note: All Apologia Science Courses Require Separate Registration: Contact instructor Sharon Ubis: to register  (Year-round classes)
10:15-11:15       Swimming Creatures 1st & 3rd Weds. of each month $130
11:30-12:30       Land Animals 1st & 3rd Weds. of each month $140
12:45-1:45         Anatomy & Physiology  1st & 3rd Weds. of each month $140
2:00-3:00           Chemistry/Physics 1st & 3rd Weds. of each month $140
3:00-5:00           Biology 1st & 3rd Weds. of each month $160
10:15-11:15       Flying Creatures  2nd & 4th Weds. of each month $140
11:30-12:30       Earth Science Combo 2nd & 4th Weds. of each month $150
12:45-1:45         Physical Science (8th Gr.) 2nd & 4th Weds. of each month $160
2:00-3:00           General Science 2nd & 4th Weds. of each month $160
3:00-5:00          Marine Biology 2nd & 4th Weds. of each month. $160

Click on Class Titles in Blue for Full Course Descriptions
10:00-11:00     Draw Write Now Book 5: The United States Gr 1-4 (15 Wks) $155
10:00-10:45     Full Beginning Guitar Grades 3-6 (14 Weeks) $180
10:45-11:30     Beginning Guitar Grades 7-12 (14 Weeks) $210
11:00-12:00     6 Spots Added! Story of  World Ancients (S1 Gr 1-6 (15 Wks) $165 
12:30-1:30       Story of the World Middle Ages (Session 1) Gr 2-7 (15 Wks) $165
1:00 - 2:00       High School a-g Earth Science Labs Gr 9-12 (15 Wks) $405 (Sem 1) 
:30-2:30         Story of the World Early Modern (Session 1) Gr. 3-8 (15 Wks) $165 
2:00-3:00         2 Spots High School a-g Bio Labs Gr. 9-12 (15 Wks) $450 (Sem 1)
3:00-4:00         3 Spots High School a-g Chem Labs Gr.9-12 (15 Wks) $465 (Sem 1)
4:00-5:00         High School a-g Physics Wet Labs Gr. 9-12 (15 Wks) $425 (Sem 1)
4:00-6:00         Photography/20th Century Photojournalism Gr.6-12 (15 Wks) $185 
5:00-6:00         High School Physics Wet Labs Gr. 9-12 (15 Wks) $395 

Click on Class Titles in Blue for Full Course Descriptions
10:00-11:00        IEW Writing Class Level A Grades 3-5 (14 Weeks) $165
11:00-12:00        IEW Writing Class Level B Grades 5-8 (14 Weeks) $165
10:00-11:00        Creativity Workshop Grades 1-3 (13 Weeks) $225
11:15-12:30        Creativity Workshop-Around the World A Gr. 4-6 (13 Wks) $225
12:15-1:45          Beginning Robotics Grades 2-4 (10 Weeks) $225
12:45-2:00          Creativity Workshop-Around the World B Gr. 4-6 (13 Weeks) $225
1:45-3:15            Game Coder Grades 5-8 (10 Weeks) $225
2:15-3:15            Creativity Workshop-Elements of Art Gr 6-8 (13 Wks) $175 (Sem 1)

Register Early!  Class sizes are limited!!
A Brighter Child 
Homeschool & Educational Supplies
8137 Greenback Lane
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Monday- Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Closed Sunday
