Hey Moms, Grandmas, Aunts and Young Ladies,
Fusion Elite Performance Training Center would like to take a moment to introduce you to our new "Get Strong" Women's Self Defense Program beginning this summer.
This is going to be unlike any other program you have heard of or taken before. We've combined Fitness, Jiu-Jitsu, and our Israeli Self Defense Program to bring you a unique and complete personal protection program that you won't find anywhere else.
By building your mind and body, then combining that with practical skills you will be able to use in every day life, you will gain confidence not only in yourself, but more importantly in your ability to face life's challenges with the strength and confidence to succeed!!!
This is something that every woman should take part in. Don't miss this opportunity to "Get Strong" and become the woman you've always wanted to be.
Call or drop by the studio for more information, and don't forget to let all of the women in your life know of this exciting new program.
Here is the Program Outline:
Week 1: July 11-16 "Begin with the end in mind!"
Week 2: July 18-23 "First Line of Defense"
Week 3: July 25-30 "Step Back Jack"
Week 4: August 1-6 "Stun and Run Mindset"
Week 5: August 8-13 "I've Fallen and I Can Still Get up"
Week 6: August 22-26 "Ring my Bell"
Week 7: August 29-September 3 "No Way Out"
Week 8: September 5-10 "Go Ahead....Make my Day!"
Week 9: September 12-17 "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Week 10: September 23-October 1 "Get Strong Challenge"
(Dates are Subject to Change)
Fusion Staff
(916) 632-1995