Friday, December 16, 2016

FPM and CHEA - Capitol Day and Leadership Conference

FPM and CHEA - Capitol Day and Leadership Conference

Your Invitation:

Please make sure the leader of your group knows about this event!

We at FPM are planning our 2017 Capitol Day in conjunction with CHEA's Leadership Conference and we would like you to join us. Every other year, following the November election of our state Senators and Assembly Members, a group of homeschoolers join us to visit each of our legislator's offices at the Capitol in Sacramento. This year, we are partnering with CHEA to cohost this event together with a Leadership Conference here in Sacramento. You are invited to attend Capitol Day on Wednesday evening, February 8th through Friday morning, February 10th and Leadership Conference on Friday afternoon, February 10 through February 11th. You are invited to attend either event or both!

While this is not a "lobby day", we do distribute attractive information packets that tell our legislators about private home education, how it works, and about how it has been a successful educational alternative for many years. This is very important in creating a positive image of private home education with our legislators. 

Capitol Day Includes:
·         Special speakers with insights on the inner workings of the capitol and the importance of your involvement
·         Training Session prior to visiting legislative offices
·         Meeting with legislators and their staff
·         Witnessing our government in action during an active floor session (contingent on a live session being available)
·         A private tour of the Capitol building

Why should you attend Capitol Day?

The freedoms we have today were not handed to us by gracious and generous government officials. The political and philosophical make-up of our current government is not any more disposed to respect or protect the parental right to educate our children at home than it has been in the past. We need to pass on the history and the memories that we have to those taking up the torch so that they too can understand the battle and engage in it. They can't do this if they don't have a knowledge of what has been done by those that have gone before them.

If you want to attend Capitol Day, but cannot make the entire event, you are welcome to join us on Thursday for training and Capitol visits.

Leadership Conference Includes:
·         Refreshment and encouragement with other homeschool leaders
·         Training and ideas to inspire your homeschool group
·         Speakers covering topics such as:
o    History of Homeschool Battles in California
o    What Every Leader Should Know about the Constitution

Why should you attend Leadership Conference?

Why do you homeschool? Are these reasons being passed to the next generation? Come be refreshed and reminded of the reasons. Gain new insights of the importance of continuing on and come away equipped with ideas to share with family and friends. "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 

If you or some of your private homeschooling friends would like to join us at the capitol, please register soon. 

Please pass this information on to private, Christian homeschoolers who would like to join us for Legislator Day.

Nathan Pierce
Family Protection Ministries

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