Friday, April 6, 2018

FYI-California homeschooling now have two legislative threats! Please read

California homeschoolers now have two legislative threats!

Assemblyman Medina and Assemblywoman Eggman each introduced bills of concern to homeschoolers this year, and CHN has been following both.

Medina’s AB 2756 “fire marshall” bill has received most of the publicity, but Eggman’s AB2926 has been watched carefully, and last night our worst fears were confirmed.

On the surface, Eggman’s AB2926 bill started as a nothing bill because just a few words were changed in existing ed code.  And that’s why we monitored her bill so closely!  Bills like this are known as “spot bills”.  They are introduced by the deadline and are holding the spot so that the bill’s author can gut the bill and slip in something new.  If you think that’s unethical, we would agree, but that’s what Assemblywoman Eggman did yesterday!

AB 2926 threatens the right to homeschool in California in a way that we’ve never seen!

This bill would establish an advisory committee that would make recommendations about the following:

“appropriateness and feasibility of imposing on a home school additional requirements, which shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following.”

(1) Health and safety inspections.
(2) Additional, specific curriculum standards.
(3) Certification or credentialing of teachers.

Opposing this dangerous bill is going to take the full force of the homeschooling community, regardless of how you homeschool.  We think it will impact those enrolled in Charter Schools too.

Read the bill: gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml? bill_id=201720180AB2926

Contact Assemblywoman Eggman!

Phone:  916-319-2013 (Capitol office) or  (209) 948-7479  (District office).
Email:  assemblymember.eggman@
Fax: (916) 319-2113
“Comments to the author” button at the legislative site: gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml? bill_id=201720180AB2926

Please share!  It’s important!

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