Monday, April 23, 2018

CALLING ALL PARENTS - Parenting Generation SCREEN with Jonathan McKee

Add up all the social media, gaming, funny videos, music, TV... and kids average 9 hours of entertainment media per day. In a world so full of distractions, parents need to avoid overreaction and engage in meaningful interaction.

WHERE: Bayside Church - Granite Bay
8171 Sierra College Blvd, Room B-120 
WHEN: Monday, May14th, 6:30pm -8:30pm
No need to RSVP...JUST SHOW UP
Questions?  Email Marisa Chaffey,
*For parents/adults only.  Sensitive topics will be discussed and this event is not intended for children.  Childcare is not provided.

Jonathan McKee is the author of over 20 books including The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and The Guy’s Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in Your PocketHe speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for parents on his website,

“Do you ever wish you had a parenting mentor to walk alongside you, share the mistakes they made as a parent, and teach you how to avoid those same pitfalls? Now you do! Jonathan McKee offers timeless wisdom for parents who want to look back on their kids’ childhood someday and honestly say they have no regrets.”
—Jim Daly, President—Focus on the Family

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Stage Right Summer Theatre Workshop, Fair Oaks

Stage Right Productions in Fair Oaks is now registering for their Summer Theatre Workshop for kids 7-14!  This year they will be performing in Seussical KIDS!  For more information, please see the attachment or go to

Inspire Learning Academy Forum 4/21, Auburn

This forum is for anyone who is associated with home education and would like to help facilitate open communication between parents, tutors, and charter school affiliates. Thank you so much for supporting ILA with our crazy ideas for unity!!  :)

Walking by FAITH,

Bridging the Gaps in the Homeschool Community Schooling at Home  ⇨⇨⇨ ILA Classes ⇨⇨⇨ Charter School Support Saturday​, ​April 21st, from 9am-12pm  Inspire Learning Academy Campus 202 Dairy Road * Auburn * 95603 

Inspire Learning Academy is hosting a meeting of the minds and we would like to invite and encourage ​you
​ to join the conversations. Home education has changed over the years and we want to be proactive in helping parents deal with these changes. We believe open communication between the parents, tutors, and charter representatives is essential to the success of our students. Together, we want to raise the bar of excellence and increase support for our families. Will you join us in problem solving for a better home education future?  

Round Table Discussions **  NO Keynote Speakers Your choice of breakout sessions may include: 

● Homeschooling 101 ● Homeschooling the Early Years ● Homeschooling the Middle Years ● Homeschooling High School 
● What’s the deal with A-G? ● Understanding the ILA model ● Accountability & Record Keeping - who is responsible for what? ● Find your method of Homeschooling 

  You may change groups at any time if you feel that another discussion would be a better fit for your needs.  

These 30-40 minute sessions will facilitate insight and better understanding. While there are no keynote speakers within each session, there will be a moderator who has wisdom and experience with the session topic. Please join the conversation! 


Homeschool Open Forum Event (1) (2) (1).pdf

Friday, April 13, 2018

Inspire Learning Academy PLOOVIE "The PRINCESS BRIDE"

Inspire Learning Academy proudly present the first ever Ploovie...A Play & a Movie. A combination of live stage scenes mixed with scenes that were filmed on location - shown on a large screen!

Come join the excitement April 27th 6:30April 28th 3:00 & 6:30
Crossroads Church 1101 Auburn Ravine Rd
Tickets sold at door $8 (children under 5 free)

Watch the "trailer" on YouTube

Friday, April 6, 2018

Writing with Kris Cordell Classes

Hello friends,

I am sending you some information about two classes that I am offering this spring.  As you know, spring can be a challenging time to keep students engaged in their academic pursuits, so a small class just might provide the excitement and the accountability to end the school year strong.

Many of your students have already attended my classes, so you are quite familiar with the quality of instruction that is provided.  It is important to understand that the classes which are being offered in the spring require much less homework that our typical literature-based writing classes.  Students will be expected to complete 30-60 min. of homework each week for these spring classes. I love coming alongside parents and their children to provide opportunities to develop communication skills . . . especially writing!  I want to make sure that you are aware of the immediate opportunities that you may pass on to your students so they may give our classes a try. 


The online Basic Writing course level 1 will be starting next week.  I will be offering a class for both younger students (4-7/8th grade) and older students (high school and advanced 8th grade).  The exact days and times for these classes are still being determined based on the students who are interested in signing up.  These are online course (using skype) which have many benefits: the convenience of sitting at home, a live teacher, a small group dynamic, the opportunity to learn how to navigate technology, etc.  Perhaps surprisingly, students find these classes to be very enjoyable – not intense and stressful.  Something about having another teacher (who is extremely friendly) and just a few other students works well for nearly all students.

The cost for this class is $80, and of course your charter funds will cover the expense.  In addition, this class is a prerequisite for all other online courses that will be offered in the future.  For more information, you may want to take a look at my website:  Also, feel free to send me an email or give me a call anytime (916-725-6473).. 


I am also offering a POETRY writing class this spring (description attached), and your students are welcome to attend this class. If you are interested in either of these classes, simply reply to this email to let me know.  You will find details for the poetry class here:

Hello friends,

I have a wonderful opportunity for your children this spring!  Last year, I offered a narrative writing class in the spring, and this year, I am offering a POETRY class!  This is going to be soooo fun for your children.  Attached you will find a description of the class, and here are some additional important details about this class:

  • Begins April 4 / Ends May 2
  • The class will be geared for upper elementary age students, but both younger (3rd) and older (7/8th) students are welcome to join the class. Also, send me an email and let me know if you have a high school student who would also love to take a poetry class . . . we’ll see what we can do to provide the teaching.
  • Location:  Orangevale First Baptist Church (8998 Central Ave., Orangevale)
  • Time: Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30
  • Cost: $100 per student (charter funds accepted)
  • No prerequisites required . . . so come and bring a friend!

If you would like to sign your child up for this class, simply reply to this email with the following information:
  1. Child’s name and grade
  2. Your name, email, and phone number
  3. Payment method (private pay or specific charter)

Why don’t you plan to end the school year with a fun writing experience for your children? Be sure to let me know if you have any questions..

Partnering with you,

Kris Cordell
Writing with Kris

Love of Learning Summer Camps

Summer Camps with Sarah and Brennan Bailey 2018
4 Camps to choose from:
·        Creative Writing 3-5 grade June 18-22
·        Creative Writing 6-8 grade June 25-29
·        Crazy Fun Math 2-5 grade July 9-13
·        Jump-Start Your Brains for School 3-6 grade July 30-Aug 3
Monday through Friday 10am-1pm 
Creative Writing - We will write an original play and perform it, make our own board games, eat our way through poetry, attend spy school, and build our own countries. 
Crazy Fun Math - We will explore math in fun new ways! Lots of games, brain benders and manipulatives; we will be having so much fun that no one will even realize they are learning.
Jump-Start Your Brains for School - We will get our brains ready for school through fun games and activities. We will review math facts through games, language arts through short stories and fun grammar lessons, plus messy science projects you wouldn’t want to clean up at your own house. 
Sarah is a mother to 3 and runs a learning center during the school year. She has taught Creative Writing for 10 years. She also teaches English from the Roots Up, Logic and Reasoning, and Entrepreneurship. 
Brennan just graduated from high school and is on her way to Southern Virginia University this fall. Brennan has taught violin and piano lessons as well as acted in several plays and helped direct Placer Elementary School’s play Beauty and the Beast. 
If any of these sound like a camp your child would enjoy, don’t wait to sign up as we will only take 6 children per session. These will be held at the Bailey's home in Loomis. 
Each camp is just $200.  If you sign up and pay before April 30th,  you get the early bird special of $175. 
To sign up please contact Sarah at (916)995-6224 or

Hands in Motion Spring Workshops

Join us for Spring Workshops!
These are a great way to bring friends and have some fun.  Maybe you have been wanting to come see our program?  We would love to meet you. Come join us for 1 or 2 day workshops.
Charter funds, Cash, or Check accepted

Beginning May 1st 
Register NOW
Classes are held at 301 West Whyte Ave., Roseville, CA 95678

Sombrero Time Summer Camp

Our most popular Summer Camp is...K-3 Beginner Camp!
Surprised? Here's why:

For young children language learning is fun and easy. Kids naturally let a new languages "wash over" them, free from the syntax, punctuation and sentence structure questions that commonly hang up more "enlightened" (older) students.

What's more, kids really enjoy the experience because Sombrero Time teachers carefully craft each minute to make the most of your child's natural capacity to learn.

Kids learn so easily they might even teach you a bit of Spanish!

When Neil, one of our Summer Camp students, was asked about his favorite part of the summer, he said, "You get to learn Spanish and then teach your parents!”

Each week campers experience new thematic adventures that inspire them to engage Spanish. Expect your child to come away with a new appreciation of Latin & Spanish culture, greater global awareness, new Spanish vocabulary, as well as new friends and great memories!

Summer Camp starts June 11. Reserve your spot today before camps fill.

Click HERE to learn more about Sombrero Time Summer Camp

¡Hasta pronto!

-Team Sombrero Time

PS. Have a lingering question, shoot us an email. We love to talk with our customers! 

FYI-California homeschooling now have two legislative threats! Please read

California homeschoolers now have two legislative threats!

Assemblyman Medina and Assemblywoman Eggman each introduced bills of concern to homeschoolers this year, and CHN has been following both.

Medina’s AB 2756 “fire marshall” bill has received most of the publicity, but Eggman’s AB2926 has been watched carefully, and last night our worst fears were confirmed.

On the surface, Eggman’s AB2926 bill started as a nothing bill because just a few words were changed in existing ed code.  And that’s why we monitored her bill so closely!  Bills like this are known as “spot bills”.  They are introduced by the deadline and are holding the spot so that the bill’s author can gut the bill and slip in something new.  If you think that’s unethical, we would agree, but that’s what Assemblywoman Eggman did yesterday!

AB 2926 threatens the right to homeschool in California in a way that we’ve never seen!

This bill would establish an advisory committee that would make recommendations about the following:

“appropriateness and feasibility of imposing on a home school additional requirements, which shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following.”

(1) Health and safety inspections.
(2) Additional, specific curriculum standards.
(3) Certification or credentialing of teachers.

Opposing this dangerous bill is going to take the full force of the homeschooling community, regardless of how you homeschool.  We think it will impact those enrolled in Charter Schools too.

Read the bill: gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml? bill_id=201720180AB2926

Contact Assemblywoman Eggman!

Phone:  916-319-2013 (Capitol office) or  (209) 948-7479  (District office).
Email:  assemblymember.eggman@
Fax: (916) 319-2113
“Comments to the author” button at the legislative site: gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml? bill_id=201720180AB2926

Please share!  It’s important!

Kingdom Builders Summer and Fall 2018 Schedule

Fall and Summer 2018 Class Schedules are out!
Classes are filling fast!  Don't miss out, reserve your spot today!
BAG SALE IS HERE!!!!!  March 29th and 30th!!  Bring your own bags or use ours and have a marvelous time in our $5 per bag sale area!

 Spring Break: No classes from March 26 through March 30.

Fall 2018

Summer 2018

Kingdom Builder offers a wide variety of both core and elective classes for students of all ages.  Our mission is to teach a Christian world view in all subjects. 

Elementary students can enjoy hands-on classes such as LEGO Engineering, Art, Slot-Car Racing, and Chess.  Parents and students will enjoy the Writing, History and Science classes, as the students master essential concepts.

We hold our Jr/Sr High school students to a high standard to ensure that they have mastered their core subjects. All of our Jr High and High School courses are graded and can easily be used for transcripts.

Assisteens in Placer County

What is Assisteens?

Assisteens is the youth auxiliary of Assistance League chapters.  Assisteens Auxiliaries have been a part of Assistance League chapters since 1959. Currently, 44 Assisteens units provide volunteer service and leadership opportunities for students in grades 9 through 12.
Each Assistance League chapter is autonomous, tailoring its programs to its local communities. The associated Assisteens unit is unique as well, establishing programs and events to fit local needs and resources. A variety of service and leadership opportunities are available to members with opportunities to grow and find purpose.

Why should I join?

The Assisteens of Greater Placer inaugural class will begin in March 2018 and continue through the next school year, developing programs and activities for the future. This first class has a unique opportunity to shape the future direction of the group.

What is required to be a member of Assisteens?

  • Be a student in grades 9 – 12 in Placer County
  • Attend monthly meetings during the school year (dates TBD)
  • Participate in philanthropic and fundraising activities
  • Pay annual dues of $35 and purchase T-shirt (TBD)

On the Go Academy Summer Schedule

On The GO Academy Logo.jpg
On The GO Academy 2018 Summer Schedule
Monday                                           (All Grades)                                         Wednesday
On The GO Kindergarten
Mrs. Kristen
On The GO Kindergarten
Mrs. Kristen
Social Time/Snack
Social Time/Snack
Mr. Evan
Mr. Matt
Mrs. Naomi
Mr. Evan
Social Time/Lunch
Social Time/Lunch
Mrs. Naomi
Mr. Evan
Mr. Evan
Mr. Matt
On The GO Sports: All Sports
Coach Gary
 Tuesday                                          (All Grades)                                             Thursday
On The GO Kindergarten
Mrs. Kristen
Social Time/Snack
 On The GO Thursdays will occur
Mrs. Nicole
at least once per month and will 
Mr. Matt
feature park days and field trips
Social Time/Lunch
 that are low or no cost. Fun for the 
Mr. Matt
whole family! 
Mrs. Nicole
On The GO Sports: Baseball
Coach Gary
On The GO Sports: All Sports
Coach Gary
Price includes most materials fees.
Also offering small group and one on one tutoring and sports instruction.
12 weeks
Ask about our multi-day discounts!
Join our summer session to find out if homeschool is right for you!
Accepting all charter funds.
                   Summer 2018 Semester Timeline: 
                     School Begins (May 14th-June 20th)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          801-Z Riverside Avenue
                     Summer Break (June 25th-July 4th)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Roseville, CA 95678
                     School Resumes (July 9th-August 16th)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Phone: 916-581-0032
                     End of Semester