Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bayside Homeschool Network B Street Theater Field Trips 2016/2017

Carrie Carlson has just posted field trips to the B Street Theater for the upcoming 2016/2017 school year. Please note, spaces will be confirmed once payment has been received. I am unable to "hold" spaces this year. You are welcome to purchase more than one show OR the entire season in one payment. Please make a note of which shows and how many tickets you would like to buy when making your payment.

All shows start at 11:30 am and last about 1.5 hours with a 15 minute intermission.  Children under 4 are not permitted in the theater per B Street Theater guidelines.

Our group has reserved 50 seats for the following show dates:

Rikki Tikki Tavi - September 30th
Robin Hood - November 18th
Going West - February 24th
June B Jones - April 21st

The cost is $8.00 per person per show.  If a show sells out, a wait list will be started. 

3 Ways to Pay:
Cash: Exact change can be given to Carrie Carlson at park days, encouragement nights, or delivered to 1526 Carbury Way, Roseville. Cash must be submitted in an envelope with your name, field trip, and number of people.

Checks: Must be made out to Carrie Carlson and mailed to 1526 Carbury Way, Roseville, CA 95747. Include a note that indicates the field trip and number of people.

PayPal: Send payment to baysidehomeschoolnetwork@gmail.com, choose the
“Friends and Family” option and leave a note indicating the field trip and number of people.

NOTE: Just a reminder that in order to participate in field trips you MUST be a registered and paid member of BHN for the 2016/2017 academic year.  Registration is now open on the blog.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

BHN Activities Coordinator

Christian Homeschool Boy Scout Pack 107

Pack 107 is about to start up for the year! We are the area's ONLY Christian Homeschool Pack lead by dads. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach boys leadership, outdoor skills, Godly character, and more! We will be having a Kick off BBQ meeting for all current and interested families on Tuesday, August 16th at 6pm. It will be located at Madera Park in Citrus Heights. The Cub Scout group covers boys from 1st grade up to 5th grade where they then transition to our Christian Homeschool Troop for the older boys. Please contact our Membership Coordinator, Leslie Smith, for more information and to RSVP for the BBQ. You can email her at ldsmith1339@yahoo.com

Thank you and Scout on!!

Speech Classes in Roseville

Communication Tools - Speech Classes in Roseville

Classes on Wednesdays,
Meeting at CB Music Studios
198 Cirby Way, Suite 170A
Roseville, CA

See class descriptions below.  
For more information about classes contact Elise Pope or Anne Weiland,
Phone: 530-263-1610 or 

To register click on the link:

Grades 3-6:
Creative Oral Presentations: grades 3-6th, 1hr/wk, year long, $170 per semester, Wed 1:30-2:30pm
The focus of this class is to practice and strengthen memorization skills and oral recitation through the use of poetry, original speeches, dramatic interpretation, and classic speeches.  Etiquette such as introductions and conversation starters will be incorporated through skits, and group communication games. The final class for each unit will be student presentations. Class materials will be provided.

Minecraft For Problem Solving and Communication: grades 3-6, 1 hr/wk, year long, $170 per semester, Wed 2:30-3:30pm
Minecraft is a global phenomenon; a place where kids engineer complex machines, create civilizations, and make art. It’s a world of trial and error and constant discovery. Minecraft encourages kids to tinker, to break things and then fix them.
Minecraft for Communication and Problem Solving will use Minecraft activities and student interest and knowledge as catalysts to practice  problem solving  and communication skills.

Read Write Speak: grades 3-6, year long, $170 per semester, Wed 3:30-4:30pm
This language arts course will move your student forward in all of the components of mastering the English language in an integrated approach.  We will enjoy the benefits of a book club, a writer’s club,  and even learn the components of oral communication and have opportunity to practice our skills.
Homework will be required as we read through our books each semester, write paragraphs, and get comfortable learning to share our work  with classmates.
Grades 7-12:
Government: grades 10-12, 1hr/wk, $210 per semester, Wed 11:30-12:30

One semester course exploring the foundations of American government dedicated to the high school student with understanding and background in American History. Students will examine the components and principles of American government, constitutional freedoms, citizen responsibilities, political systems and public policies. Students are expected to prepare weekly for, and participate in class. Students will be engaged regularly in discussion, projects and  oral presentations during class time.

Speech Smarts(A):  grades 7-12, year long, $210 per semester, Wed 12:30-1:30pm
Class time will be spent in actively learning communication skills and preparing speeches. Students will learn different types of speeches throughout the year including impromptu, original oratory, extemporaneous, broadcasting,  The final class for each unit will be student presentations. Class materials will be provided. Speech Smarts A and B can be taken in any order.

Speech and Debate: grades 9-12, year long, $210 per semester, Wed 12:30-1:30pm
Class time will be spent in actively learning communication skills and preparing speeches.  Units include Impromptu, Lion's Club oratory contest, extemporaneous and parlimentary style debate. Class materials will be provided.
Tutoring Available:
Writing Project Tutoring: grades 4-12, $20-$40 per hour
Start to finish assistance provided to students working on writing assignments.  We work side- by-side, step-by-step on planning the project, researching, outlining, using graphics and final editing. The student will produce a successful writing project.

Side-by-Side Tutoring: all grades $20-$40 per hour
We walk through coursework in any subject(s) with the student. Sometimes parents need a helping hand to progress through course materials. We can assist with choosing materials, setting goals,  detailed planning and accountability in addition to tutoring through coursework. We have patience, experience and success with students with a variety of learning styles, strengths and challenges.

Kingdom Builders Summer Sale

Summer Sale 20% off!
Monday July 25th - Wednesday July 27th!
20% off all in-stock items paid by check/cash
15% off if paid by credit card

10% off all Bob Jones (BJU Press) orders by check/cash


Fall 2016
Kingdom Builder offers a wide variety of both core and elective classes for students of all ages.  Our mission is to teach a Christian world view in all subjects. 

Elementary students can enjoy hands-on classes such as LEGO Engineering, Art, Slot-Car Racing, and Chess.  Parents and students will enjoy the Writing, History and Science classes, as the students master essential concepts.

We hold our Jr/Sr High school students to a high standard to ensure that they have mastered their core subjects. All of our Jr High and High School courses are graded and can easily be used for transcripts.    

Sign up today, several classes are full or close to full!



Sunday, July 24, 2016

Freefall Stage Tom Sawyer Auditions

*Email info@freefallstage.com for audition locations and audition form.

Auditions for "Tom Sawyer" 

Casting for:
Mark Twain  - 
His folksy, comical commentary is presented with a serious demeanor. Steps in as Defense Attorney. Age 50+ grey or white hair, goatee

Other Adult Roles:
Aunt Polly,Toms Aunt and guardian 30's+
Doc Robinson - local doctor / Judge Thatcher-Becky's father-
Injun Joe bad dude and trouble maker
Muff Potter - A hapless drunk and friend of Injun Joe
Mr. Dobbins The schoolmaster
Mrs. Thatcher, Becky's mother/Widow Douglas, age 30+ A kindhearted, pious lady whom the children recognize as a friend. 
Mrs. Harper -Joe Harper's mother
District Attorney/Mr. Jones (Known as The Welshman),a kind old man.

Child Roles: (ages 7-15)
Huckleberry Finn - son of the town drunk; a juvenile outcast shunned by respectable society and adored by the local boys
Tom Sawyer - a mischievous boy with an active imagination
Becky Thatcher -Judge Thatcher's pretty daughter. 
Joe Harper - Tom's bosom friend
School Children (3 girls and 3-4 boys): Including: Amy (Tom's former love), Jones' sons. A taller boy doubles as the Bailiff
Jim - Huck's companion as he travels down the river
Auditions will be cold read from the script
Monday, July 25th, 6:30 PM in Folsom (email for location)*
Tuesday, July 26th, 6:30 PM in Carmichael 
Wednesday, July 27th callbacks, if needed.

Performances will be Friday and Saturday, Sept 9 and 10 @ the Village Green Amphitheater in Rancho Cordova 
(We are looking for another venue for the weekend after)

*Email info@freefallstage.com for audition locations and audition form.

freefallstage.com 916-207-5606 "Theatre of Excellence, Quality and Integrity"

FreeFall Stage, P.O. Box 1584, Folsom, CA 95763

Inspire Learning Academy Book Discussion Class

I want to invite you to join me this fall at Inspire Learning Academy on Dairy Rd. in Auburn. 
I am leading a Book Discussion class for 10 - 14 year olds (+-), on Thursdays 2:30-3:30 pm.  

As we analyze character traits and moral values, students will facilitate classroom discussions within their rotating roles such as Illustrator, Minor Character, Setting, Internal Conflict, Point of View, Summarizer, Investigator, and Character Critic. 

Homework will include light chapter reading, and answering written comprehension and thought-provoking questions, a few character and vocabulary words, and using forms as preparation to speak as part of their chosen rotating role.

A short quiz will be given upon the completion of our reading, and the class will choose one of the book's characters to put on trial during our last session. This is NOT a trial focusing on proper courtroom procedure, but is based on the book's content, the characters, and moral values. It may be necessary for students to do a little research to understand their role of Prosecutor, Defending Attorney, or Judge.

You can see the class details, and learn more about Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince, by Lamplighter Publishing at http://inspirelearningacademy.com/courses/course-details/?CourseID=5359.

From the publisher's website: Young Prince Hubert is incorrigible, unmanageable, and tiresomely demanding. What is the good King to do? How will his selfish Prince ever learn to rule the kingdom well? His most trusted friend, Sir Malcolm, has a plan. Prince Hubert is swept away to a land where he is simply known as Hugh, a peasant boy. His silks are replaced with rough work clothes, his castle dwelling with a humble cottage. It is here that Hugh learns valuable life lessons from the widow of the forest.  

A minimum reading level is not a prerequisite, since this book is an excellent family read-aloud for all ages. The publisher recommends it for ages 6-11, but due to vocabulary from the Middle Ages for which the students will be responsible, and the level of homework and discussions, this class is appropriate for older students.

You can use this link to register:
Don't forget to hit the submit button at the bottom of page 7 to complete your form. You will then be directed to the payment page. If you are having trouble submitting your form or completing your payment, please contact reg@inspirelearningacademy.com. Payment plans are available if necessary. 

I hope to see you there!

Michelle Potter

P.S.  Inspire Learning Academy is a homeschool community offering supplemental academic and enrichment classes for families home educating independently or through a charter program.  It is a Christian-led organization, but not all classes are faith-based. It is not affiliated with the new Inspire Charter School. 

California Voice Academy

From another group:

"I have been talking with the awesome owner of the NEW Voice Academy singing program in Roseville and she has kindly agreed to offer a free singing class and information session to our homeschoolers. 

This first class will be a great way to check out their facility, meet the instructor and learn about they great new group classes they are offering homeschoolers. They are a vendor for several charters, and I am sure if yours is not one of them they will work with you to become a vendor. 

These classes are so new that they are not on the website yet, but here is the tentitive schedule, class description and pricing info- 

Weekly Pop Vocal Classes 
Tuesday 2pm-3pm
Thursday 2pm-3pm

Cost: $75/singer (6 minimum, 10 maximum)

This class will be focused on Vocal technique and stage performance. Each class will consist of vocal scales and warm-ups, as well as stage performance on our in-house stage. Singers will also learn microphone technique and basic music theory. Every 8 weeks this class will have a showcase so singers can show friends and family what they have learned! 

Musical Theatre Class:
Wednesday's 1pm-2pm

Cost:$75/singer (6 minimum, 10 maximum)

This class is perfect for kids who love musical theater, or would love to learn the art! This class focuses on acting and musical theater singing, while teaching them how to emote and block a scene on stage! 
It'll be a lot of fun!

All classes will be held at Voice Academy, 214 Douglas Blvd in Roseville CA, 95678. cavoiceacademy.com

for questions or to sign up for classes please contact Sara at Sarandaisy@me.com "

Address214-A Douglas Blvd, Roseville, CA 95678