Communication Tools - Speech Classes in Roseville
Classes on Wednesdays,
Meeting at CB Music Studios
198 Cirby Way, Suite 170A
Roseville, CA
See class descriptions below.
For more information about classes contact Elise Pope or Anne Weiland,
Phone: 530-263-1610 or
To register click on the link: 3-6:Creative Oral Presentations: grades 3-6th, 1hr/wk, year long, $170 per semester, Wed 1:30-2:30pmThe focus of this class is to practice and strengthen memorization skills and oral recitation through the use of poetry, original speeches, dramatic interpretation, and classic speeches. Etiquette such as introductions and conversation starters will be incorporated through skits, and group communication games. The final class for each unit will be student presentations. Class materials will be provided.
Minecraft For Problem Solving and Communication: grades 3-6, 1 hr/wk, year long, $170 per semester, Wed 2:30-3:30pm
Minecraft is a global phenomenon; a place where kids engineer complex machines, create civilizations, and make art. It’s a world of trial and error and constant discovery. Minecraft encourages kids to tinker, to break things and then fix them.
Minecraft for Communication and Problem Solving will use Minecraft activities and student interest and knowledge as catalysts to practice problem solving and communication skills.
Read Write Speak: grades 3-6, year long, $170 per semester, Wed 3:30-4:30pm
This language arts course will move your student forward in all of the components of mastering the English language in an integrated approach. We will enjoy the benefits of a book club, a writer’s club, and even learn the components of oral communication and have opportunity to practice our skills.
Homework will be required as we read through our books each semester, write paragraphs, and get comfortable learning to share our work with classmates.
Grades 7-12:
Government: grades 10-12, 1hr/wk, $210 per semester, Wed 11:30-12:30
One semester course exploring the foundations of American government dedicated to the high school student with understanding and background in American History. Students will examine the components and principles of American government, constitutional freedoms, citizen responsibilities, political systems and public policies. Students are expected to prepare weekly for, and participate in class. Students will be engaged regularly in discussion, projects and oral presentations during class time.
Speech Smarts(A): grades 7-12, year long, $210 per semester, Wed 12:30-1:30pm
Class time will be spent in actively learning communication skills and preparing speeches. Students will learn different types of speeches throughout the year including impromptu, original oratory, extemporaneous, broadcasting, The final class for each unit will be student presentations. Class materials will be provided. Speech Smarts A and B can be taken in any order.
Speech and Debate: grades 9-12, year long, $210 per semester, Wed 12:30-1:30pm
Class time will be spent in actively learning communication skills and preparing speeches. Units include Impromptu, Lion's Club oratory contest, extemporaneous and parlimentary style debate. Class materials will be provided.
Tutoring Available:
Writing Project Tutoring: grades 4-12, $20-$40 per hour
Start to finish assistance provided to students working on writing assignments. We work side- by-side, step-by-step on planning the project, researching, outlining, using graphics and final editing. The student will produce a successful writing project.
Side-by-Side Tutoring: all grades $20-$40 per hour
We walk through coursework in any subject(s) with the student. Sometimes parents need a helping hand to progress through course materials. We can assist with choosing materials, setting goals, detailed planning and accountability in addition to tutoring through coursework. We have patience, experience and success with students with a variety of learning styles, strengths and challenges.