Dear Parents/Guardians:
Playing kickball is a great way for your children to jumpstart their exercise regime. Not only is it a fun game to play, kickball can burn from 300-600 calories in an hour depending on the player’s weight and how intense the game is for the individual. Running the bases, diving for balls, and throwing out runners are all great ways to burn calories and boost metabolism. This sport is appropriate for all age groups Prek-12th.
There are only three (3) sessions in December and the cost is $21. If you don’t have an account with us yet, please visit: If you already take our classes just log on to register at:
If you plan to use school funds now or in the next few months please order early with us and request your funding to be sent right away. Since schools close down early for December and it takes awhile for them to catch up in January, there can be delays in clearing your child if you wait too long. If you also have a full deposit on your EMH account there will be no interruption in your child/children’s participation even if the schools are delayed in handling funding requests.
Learn more about sibling discounts for those parents paying out-of-pocket with three (3) or more children at:
To find a location near you please visit: - just type in your county choices and click on “search” for the listing of parks. Don’t see one near you, let us know.
Enjoy your day!
Julian Wells
EMH Sports
Questions? Email us at:
855-213-4443 (Toll Free)