Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jim Weiss Christmas Storytelling Event

Jim Weiss Christmas Storytelling Event

Classical Conversations of Greater Sacramento

Thursday, December 3, 2015 from 2:30 PM to 8:00 PM (PST)

Salvation Army Bayside Bell Ringers - Frye's

Ring that bell! Salvation Army Bayside bell ringers have shifts open to ring bells at Frye's location, Roseville.  Contact Diane DeCarlo to see what shifts are open.

(Leigh's note:) The boys have done this for the past four years.  It's one of Alex's favorite things to do and makes sure to remind me every year.

Spring Classes Fusion Learning!

Link to Fusion Learning Homeschool Classes

Live Nativity Volunteers Needed!

Hello all,
I wanted to share an exciting opportunity  with you and your family this Christmas season.  Get involved in bringing the true meaning of Christmas to our community with Mark Johnston’s recreating his childhood tradition of  a Live nativity scene for thousands of people.  Please see the attached flyer about participating in or helping behind the scenes in a Live Nativity scene at Penryn Oak  Stables this Christmas season. 
Please share with your friends….it’s not too late to get involved.
First Rehearsal: Sunday, November 15th, 2:00 – 4:30 pm
2208 Broadstone, Roseville 95661 (Gate code: # 2015)
Call Mark Johnston at 847-5391 for rehearsal information
Questions, email Mark at
To sign up for a night please see the below link:
Please sign up for "The True Meaning of Christmas" Event! 

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 

1.  Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:
2.  Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3.  Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
Gina Williams

Christian Youth Theatre Winter Registration

CYT Sacramento

Star of Bethlehem Presentation

On Dec 18th, Ranger Bruce will tell you about this famous star. The wise men followed it until it took them to the King of Kings. Come join many homeschool families and learn why they were so excited. The wise men knew that something very special was going to happen. These men were the wisest of the wise and understood the meaning of the stars.  They didn’t want to miss the sign noted in the prophecies, of the great virgin born son of the sovereign God. And behold, they found the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. They found HIM! What exactly was the sign, the wise men saw in the east? They understood the significance of the signs that the Lord God Creator had placed in the heavens. Now you can learn what they knew and know why they made this journey across the desert. “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy” Matt. 2:10-11 - And you can almost hear them say,   “BEHOLD, HE COMETH” Come join in and listen to the story of a savior that was to come. It’s written in the stars above us to see every night. The heavens really do declare this glory. Cost $35.00 per family. The Star of Bethlehem study guide will be available also. Written by Ranger Bruce - Cost – $10.00. Reserve your spot by calling 916-725-3630 or email  This class is packed every year so make those reservations early and payments to Ranger Bruce. Payments for classes can be made at Ranger Bruce’s web site using PayPal

Hands in Motion Spring Classes

Hands in Motion

Online Registration is now OPEN
Register now and put
YOUR child's "Hands in Motion for learning!"

Charter and Independent Students Welcome
Payments are due in January no need to wait for the release of your charter funds.
Register NOW and save YOUR spot!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Conservatory of Dance Deal!

Right now, there is even a GROUPON available (% off 1st month or a starter package deal)! 

Also, as with any of their ballet classes, boys are 50% off or even FREE 
(if there are enough paying students to make it affordable to offer).

Roseville Fire Station 9 Open House

Roseville Fire Station 9 Open House:  From 10 to noon this Saturday, November 7, Fire Station 9 at 2451 Hayden Parkway (Roseville) will be open for visitors.  Come tour the station, meet your local firefighters and see where they live while they're on duty!  The crew is planning some fun firefighting demonstrations, and they'll also have information on cooking safety to help you get ready for Thanksgiving.  This is always a very popular outing for the kids.

Ranger Bruce's Adventures - Sequoia Ministry

                         Contact information – 916-725-3630 or
                                     Bruce carries a green clipboard so you can identify him
                                              Classes are for all ages – Parents are free!
                             Bruce can bring these classes to you. Just put a group together.
         Always call Ranger Bruce to sign up and before the class to check in 
916-725-3630. Payments for classes can be made at Ranger Bruce’s web site using PayPal
image001.gifSign up now for the Star of Bethlehem Class. This class fills up fast and I turn away many families each year, so don’t wait. See details below. (December 18th)


                 NOVEMBER - 2015 ADVENTURES

Nov 6thh22.gif - State Capital Tour - Sacramento – Ranger Bruce will take you on a special deluxe tour of the capital. We will walk around all 3 levels and see the House and Senate chambers. I will teach you about our government and how it works. Time – 10:00 – 12:00 (No building fees – Parking meters or garage available) Costs - $35.00 per family - meet on the EAST steps of the capital. That’s the steps with the sun shining on them. Bruce will have a green clipboard so you can identify him. He will also show you the tree that went to the moon. No kidding, it really did. Did you know Abraham Lincoln was President when the capital was started? Come join me and learn about God’s government. Payments for classes can be made at Ranger Bruce’s web site using paypal
- From a homeschool Mom......."Wow, are you in for a treat if you haven't been through this tour with Bruce. He can take you into many areas that the public never sees. The capital is huge and beautiful on the inside. The tour includes both House and Senate chambers, as well as all historical areas. Bruce took us to our senator's office and we met with her for an hour. She opened the door to the floor of the senate and we sat at her desk and took pictures. Soooooooooo cool. He even got us into the governor's office and we all got his personal business card. He was not in town but it was GREAT!" THANKS, BRUCE! YOU’RE THE BEST…………..Brenda

Nov 13thww018.gif - The True Story of the Pony Express & the One Room School House - Howdy partners! Come along with Ranger Bruce and learn about the Pony Express. The mail was delivered to Sacramento from St. Joseph, Mo. The three owners were Christian and they made sure every one of the 80 riders got a Bible. Believe it or not mail got through in 10 days. Men and boys risked their lives to get the mail past the Indians, buffalo stampedes, and prairie fires. I will teach you about one very famous 11 year old boy from right here in Sacramento who rode for the Pony Express. You will want to learn all about him. Many of the riders went on to become world famous. Some joined up with Buffalo Bill to travel the world. You will learn about the young girl named “Little Miss Sure Shot” and some of her incredible marksmanship. Yes, you guessed it, Annie Oakley. All the girls will want to learn about her. Cost - $35.00 per family. Meet in front of the Railroad Museum – Old town Sacramento. Time 10:00 – 12:00 
Nov 20th – Antarctica - God’s Creation That Powers the Earth – The coldest place on Earth is at the bottom of the planet. It gets much colder than at the North Pole. After the flood of Noah, the Earth tilted on its axis to 23 degrees. This was God’s plan to power the world and provide food and water for his creatures. Want to know how this happens? Come join Ranger Bruce and be amazed at what really goes on our planet. Scientists can now see by satellite, how Antarctica powers the world. Time – 10:00 – 11:30 – Place – Ranger Bruce’s home –Cost - $35.00 per family.  Call or email to make a reservation. 725-3636 or

                        DECEMBER -2015 ADVENTURES

December 4th – The World's Newly Found Animals - Zoology 101
If you like learning about what is being found out in the jungles today, you will enjoy this class. God has many creatures that we are just discovering and Bruce will show you the many new creatures found today. Twenty-seven new creatures have been discovered here in California. Did you get that, 27 new species? The oceans are also filled with creatures that are new and being discovered. So, come join Bruce as we look at the creatures found in the wild. Bruce will demonstrate some professional animal & bird calls for you. Like the squirrel, hawk, owl, turkey, quail, and more. Time – 10:00am to 11:30 – Place - Tempo Park – Cost – 35.00 per family. 

image004.gifDecember 11th – Beginning Botany – Trees – Why do trees lose their leaves & why are they so special in the Bible? – Come join Ranger Bruce (Ex-Park Ranger Naturalist) on this adventure that will teach you about trees and why they lose their leaves. Did you know that trees are mentioned 318 times in scripture? Many times blood is put on the wood. This class is for all ages of students so they can understand trees better. I will show you many cones from trees and we will walk around Bannister Park and identify many trees. We will count the rings to see how old a trees is. So come join me on this adventure and learn how God’s trees work. Cost - $ 35.00 per family. Place – Bannister Park – Time 10:00 – 11:30

Picture%20012December 18th – The Star of Bethlehem Program 
Time – 7:00 pm to 8:30pm   Place – Ranger Bruce’s home
Bring chairs and cookies. Hot Chocolate and a warm fire will be provided. 
Why were the Magi chosen to follow the star? The Magi were a specially named tribe in the list of Median tribes. They were a pastoral people greatly occupied with religion, astronomy, and other sacred sciences. The Magi were the only ones who could have understood the meanings of the signs. They were great teachers of kings and people in divine wisdom. They were a priestly or sacerdotal tribe, after the style of Levi, among the tribes of Israel. They were ministers and prophets of their day. Their religion was the noblest and least corrupted of all the ancient world. It was from them that Cyrus selected his priests of Persia. So you can understand why these Magi eagerly clung to the hope of the fulfillment of the primeval promise, and continued to observe the heavens and the inspired lore of the skies. They didn’t want to miss the sign noted in the prophecies, of the great virgin born son of the sovereign God. And behold, they found the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. They found HIM! What exactly was the sign, the wise men saw in the east? They understood the significance of the signs that the Lord God Creator had placed in the heavens. Now you can learn what they knew and know why they made this journey across the desert. “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy” Matt. 2:10-11 - And you can almost hear them say,   “BEHOLD, HE COMETH” Come join in and listen to the story of a savior that was to come. It’s written in the stars above us to see every night. The heavens really do declare this glory. Cost $35.00 per family. The Star of Bethlehem study guide will be available also. Written by Ranger Bruce - Cost – $10.00. Reserve your spot by calling 916-725-3630 or email This class is packed every year so make those reservations early and payments to Ranger Bruce. Payments for classes can be made at Ranger Bruce’s web site using PayPal

                JANUARY – 2016 ADVENTURES

image002.gifJanuary 8th - State Capital Tour - Sacramento - Bruce will take you on a special deluxe tour of the capital. We will walk around all 3 levels and see the House and Senate chambers. I will teach you about our government and how it works. Time – 10:00 – 12:00 (No building fees – Parking meters or garage available) Costs - $35.00 per family - meet on the EAST steps of the capital. That’s the steps with the sun shining on them. Bruce will have a green clipboard so you can identify him. He will also show you the tree that went to the moon. No kidding, it really did. Did you know Abraham Lincoln was President when the capital was started? Come join me and learn about God’s government.
***From a homeschool Mom......."Wow, are you in for a treat if you haven't been through this tour with Bruce. He can take you into many areas that the public never sees. The capital is huge and beautiful on the inside. The tour includes both House and Senate chambers, as well as all historical areas. Bruce took us to our senator's office and we met with her for an hour. She opened the door to the floor of the senate and we sat at her desk and took pictures. Soooooooooo cool. He even got us into the governor's office and we all got his personal business card. He was not in town but it was GREAT!" THANKS, BRUCE! YOU’RE THE BEST…………..Brenda

image007.gifJanuary 15th – Sharpen up Your Mountain Man Skills – Howdy partners.Would you like to learn skills that the trappers and mountain men used? You can sit with Ranger Bruce and make fire with flint & steel, load a flintlock, set traps, and much more. Bruce will be dressed as a mountain man and teach you all kinds of new stuff. We have furs, pelts, knives and all the great things that boys like. So, Moms, sign your boys up to take this class and they will cook your dinner that night. Ha! Also the Jedediah Smith Story will be told. The first Christian mountain man/Trapper to come to California in 1826. Place – Ranger Bruce’s backyard. (Get directions when you sign up) Time – 10:00 – 11:30 - Cost $35.00 per family

January 22th – California History - Tour Coloma (God’s Mighty Hand in California History) - Miner Bruce will show you Coloma (the gold discovery site) where the first gold was discovered. Much of this is a walking tour – a 2 hour adventure back in time to 1848. It all started here, back in 1848, when James Marshall found the first gold nuggets and the gold rush was on. Coloma wasn't even on a map, but now it is. Thousands of men from around the world began to arrive in this quiet little town. Come join Bruce, and see what happened here and how life was for the people of Coloma. Bruce will take you on a tour of the complete town and explain what happened. Also do you know where all the gold went? I'll bet you will be surprised to know. Gold was being found at 5-6 million dollars a month, and it went some very special places. God had plans for the gold and used it for good. Time 10:00 -12:00 - Place – Coloma, California – Cost – 35.00 per family.  Meet in the parking lot next to the sawmill.
***From two homeschool Moms …..Thanks Ranger Bruce
Hansen, Owen, My Mom, and I all had an absolutely wonderful adventure yesterday visiting the Fort and Coloma. We learned so much and appreciated your knowledge and insight. The kids that drove along with us surely enjoyed it, too. A few of us winded our way up to the monument, which was well worth the trek. Thanks again for an AWESOME day. Blessings,   Colleen B.
 Bruce, We all had such a great time yesterday!! I have been getting calls, texts, and emails from students and parents today letting me know how very much they enjoyed themselves!   Kim E

image008.gifJanuary 29th – Antarctica - God’s Creation That Powers the Earth – The coldest place on Earth is at the bottom of the planet. It gets much colder than at the North Pole. After the flood of Noah, the Earth tilted on its axis to 23 degrees. This was God’s plan to power the world and provide food and water for his creatures. Want to know how this happens? Come join Ranger Bruce and be amazed at what really goes on our planet. Scientists can now see by satellite, how Antarctica powers the world. Time – 10:00 – 11:30 – Place – Ranger Bruce’s home –Cost - $35.00 per family.  Call or email to make a reservation. 725-3636 or

Fusion Learning Homeschool Academy Science Class for K-5th grades!

Science Class for K-5th grades!
Lifecycle Celebrations with Mrs. Angie Raskin offers Raptors Around Us!
Learn about birds of prey, the raptors! Learn about physical characteristics, behaviors, adaptations, habitats, and life cycles; this class focuses on raptors in our area. Learn about the birds that rule the skies! Hands on displays include acrylic skulls, raptor beaks, feet, and more! Students will dissect an owl pellet!
WHERE: Fusion Learning Homeschool Academy
WHEN: Nov. 18th, 1pm - 2:30pm
COST: $20 (paid registration members)
$25 (non - members)
***Fusion accepts vouchers/purchase orders from most charter schools!***
RSVP: Kristen (916) 709-7130