Hello Parents and Guardians:
EMH’s most favorite PE class, Nerf Dodgeball, is starting in February. It’s so fun, parents ask to join in!
Nerf Dodgeball is a great cardio sport because of the jumping and dodging. The game also improves hand and eye coordination and quickness.
The balls used in this sport are made of a spongy and light plastic material and pose no problem when coming into contact with the students. These lighter weight balls move slower through the air and are easier to dodge.
We add several different sizes of balls and variations on the rules to keep it interesting and fun. The rules and regulations of the games will be discussed before each class.
To find a location near you please visit: http://www.emhsports.com/schedule - just type in your county choices and click on “search” for the listing of parks. Don’t see one near you, let us know. WE HAVE SEVERAL NEW LOCATIONS OPEN FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER.
Julian Wells
EMH Sports