Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Meet and Greet Julie Bogart of Brave Writer, 2/28 Sacramento

Hello Fellow Homeschoolers!

My name is Jardel Manalo and a friend (Marni Love) and I are hosting a casual meet and greet for Julie Bogart, creator of Brave Writer ( I hope you'll join us! Feel free to share the invitation included.

Wednesday, February 28th, 10:30am
Bella Bru Cafe, Natomas Location
$6/person, Includes coffee & pastries
RSVP by 2/25

Call or text me if you have any questions: 916.475.6114

Rocklin, Band class, ages 8-18, 9:30-10:20

Fusion Elite Homeschool Academy in Rocklin starts up this Tuesday! We need a few more students to be able to hold the band class. Would your student like to learn to play the snare drum, flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, trombone or french horn? Open to students age 8-18. Tuesday mornings 9:30am-10:20am.

Rustic Youth Choir Spring Session 2018

Youth Choir - Spring Session 2018

Spring Session:  Feb.13 - May 22 Spring Valley Church, Rocklin TUITION:  $165
Every Tuesday 3:30-4:30 (K-4th) 3:30-5:00 (5th-12th) 

Christian Home Educators Association Conference 6/28-30, 2018, Pasadena, CA.


Sombrero Time Summer Camp!

February 2018

Summer Camp Announcement

Summer Camp Registration will be opening soon!

Sign up today to receive Priority Notification and access to the Summer Camp landing page before registration opens to the community at large!

Access great camp prices and camp availability before the general population!

This opportunity will only be offered to those families who sign up for Priority Notification.

Click HERE to sign up for Summer Camp Priority Notification

PS: Why wait and pay more! Sign Up today!

EMH Sports Most Popular Class is Starting in February!

Hello Parents and Guardians:

EMH’s most favorite PE class, Nerf Dodgeball, is starting in February. It’s so fun, parents ask to join in!

Nerf Dodgeball is a great cardio sport because of the jumping and dodging. The game also improves hand and eye coordination and quickness.

The balls used in this sport are made of a spongy and light plastic material and pose no problem when coming into contact with the students. These lighter weight balls move slower through the air and are easier to dodge.

We add several different sizes of balls and variations on the rules to keep it interesting and fun. The rules and regulations of the games will be discussed before each class. 

There are four (4) sessions in January and the cost is only $28. If you don’t have an account with us yet, please visit: If you already take our classes just log on to register at:

Learn more about sibling discounts for those parents paying out-of-pocket with three (3) or more children at:

To find a location near you please visit:  - just type in your county choices and click on “search” for the listing of parks. Don’t see one near you, let us know. WE HAVE SEVERAL NEW LOCATIONS OPEN FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER.


Julian Wells
EMH Sports

Toastmasters Youth Leadership


I'm contacting you to let you know another round of Toastmasters Youth Leadership is scheduled. If you'd like to participate, please let me know. 

What is Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program? It's a free, eight-week public speaking course for absolute beginners. It's sponsored by Carmichael Toastmasters and geared toward high school students, though junior high students are also accepted.

Below are the dates, times, and locations. If you will not be able to attend all sessions (except for sickness) please wait for a subsequent round of Toastmasters Youth Leadership.

Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program, Spring 2018

March 6,  1:00pm-2:30pm Sylvan Oaks Library, 6700 Auburn Blvd. Citrus Heights
March 13,  1:00pm-2:30pm Harris residence (near Fulton/Marconi)
March 20,  1:00pm-2:30pm Carmichael Library, 5605 Marconi Avenue, Carmichael
March 27,  1:00pm-2:30pm Harris residence
April 3, 1:00pm-2:30pm Sylvan Oaks Library
April 10, 1:00pm-2:30pm Sylvan Oaks Library 
April 17, 1:00pm-2:30pm Carmichael Library
April 24, POTLUCK BANQUET/SHOWCASE 6:30pm-8:00pm Sylvan Oaks Library 

Thank you!
Mrs. Harris

Deer Creek Farm Service Opportunity!

Come Work in the Garden for CHARITY / EVERY 2ND SAT./ Deer Creek Garden - Rocklin / 9am-noon
What a great opportunity to work with your hands, in the outdoors, and serve a very worthwhile charity!  Colleen is a fellow homeschooling mom. She supervises the gardening activities at this farm, giving her two children and other youth, the opportunity to learn to garden, do yard work, and be satisified with a good day's work in the fresh air.  The proceeds from their on-site gift store go directly to their non-profit organization, Compassion Planet, which "mentors, provides basic life skills, trains and employees at risk and aged-out foster youth."  5465 Pacific Street, Rocklin, CA 95677  - Michelle
Please share with your Church, Scout, Garden, Rescue Awana, 4_H, FFA, Home School, Charter, Public and Small Groups. You may share the post on FB also. 

Come Join us as we serve together  In the Deer Creek Garden!

 Due to our non-profit status, adults need to be with all children under 18, preferably one adult per child under 13.  Wear close-toed sensible shoes.   

This is now a monthly event held on each second Saturday of the Month. 

For more information, contact Colleen Trovato at